In this email you are providing access to the content upgrade, reiterating the benefits, and setting expectations for the upcoming communication with the prospect.
In the second email your goal is to establish rapport with the reader. Here, link to the content upgrade again, and introduce yourself. Tell your story through a narrative. Using the notes you took above, write your story of how you want to chase the same challenge, how you felt, how you overcame this challenge, and how it transformed your life or business on the other side. We have seen this email work well to engage individuals on social media accounts and in Facebook groups. It is an easy way to entice them to take the next step in for their in your relationship.
In the third email, share additional educational information with the individual. Here you are still building trust with that prospect. Do you want them to know that you understand the highest quality steps and information. As a P. S. Consider including your first link to the paid offer or re-inviting the individual to join you on social media.
In the fourth email, begin to set the stage for actually working with you. Provide a case study or testimonials from your clients. Explain the benefits and include the offer.