
Social Media Etiquette Golden Rules for Posting on Business Accounts

Social media has tremendous power, especially for businesses. It allows you to build a relationship with your audience and generate leads. While it provides an easy and convenient way to connect with your audience, this connectivity carries risks.

In order to ensure that your business creates a respectful, valuable, and welcomed presence on social media, it is important to adhere to the etiquette. Keep in mind that social media is a public forum. One small mistake can have a negative effect on your brand’s reputation. A careless Facebook post or tweet can spiral into a full-blown crisis.

Here is some basic social media etiquette for businesses to help you get started.

Build a positive social media image 

Social media provides the perfect platform for you to get maximum exposure and strengthen your brand image.

Building a positive social media image means building a reputation. The best way to do this is to build a relationship with your audience. Create content that would get people talking. Make sure to respond to messages and comments to keep the conversation going.

Spread positivity by sharing uplifting content and inspirational news. Celebrate your wins and spotlight your employees on social media. This puts your company or organization in a good light by showing your audience that you care about your people.

Avoid over-sharing

Consistency is the key to social media success. You need to have a posting schedule and stick to it. Your audience will forget that you exist if you don’t post regularly. However, posting too often can annoy your fans and followers.

According to studies, one or two posts a day is enough to maintain an active presence on social media. This will help keep you relevant without becoming a nuisance. You are likely to see a 50% drop in engagement per post if you post 3 times or more per day.

Be self-centered in small doses

Most businesses use social media to provide their audience with updates about their business. Often, they use it to advertise their products and services. Although it’s fine to use social to promote your business, make sure that you encourage two-way communication. Don’t just bombard people with promotions, updates, and advertisements, communicate with them.

Use social media to engage your audience. If you want people to buy your products or use your services, you need to gain their trust. To do that, you first need to build a relationship with them. Strike a balance between entertaining, informative, and promotional to keep your audience engaged. Also, encourage people to comment on your posts and join in on the discussion. Ask questions, respond to their comments, share user-generated content.

Creating a social media calendar will not only help you plan and visualize your social media content but will also prevent you from publishing poorly written content.

Tame your hashtags

Hashtags can be quite beneficial to your social media marketing plan. They can help put your content in front of people and expand your reach. They can be advantageous as long as you don’t go overboard.  But if you use too much of them, they can be distracting. It can also make you look desperate.

Just because you can use 30 hashtags on Instagram, it doesn’t mean you should Use hashtags wisely. To make sure that you get more engagement, choose hashtags that are relevant to your business. For best results, create a unique hashtag for your business.

Don’t badmouth your competition

Some businesses badmouth their competitors in the hopes of discrediting them. However, this can do more harm than good to your business. You probably already hate your competitors, but bashing them makes you look silly and childish.

Focus on the great things about your business and keep the conversations positive. As the old adage goes, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.”


Social Media Etiquette Golden Rules for Posting on Business Accounts

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BIMS_1.5As 2015 draws to a close, many of you are probably preparing for the biggest party of the year. Whether it’s a family event, work party or a purely social gathering, there’s a social media embarrassment waiting to happen.

A careless Facebook post or tweet can alienate your loved ones and damage your social and professional image. Start the year right by paying close attention to your social media profiles and activities.

Take a good look at these tips for proper social media etiquette.

Take your complaint offline

We understand that you’re frustrated about a company’s customer service or the long lines, but you don’t have to post it on social media for everyone else to see. Rather than slamming them on Facebook or Twitter, it is better to contact them privately and settle the issue offline.

Avoid over-sharing

It’s okay to share how awesome your dinner was or what your cat is up to occasionally, but sharing every single bit of activity you did all day is the fastest way to lose your friends and followers. You are free to share a few times a day, but be sure to space your posts.

Use caution in posting and tagging photos

You may look good on a particular picture, but if a friend’s hair looks like a rooster and your sister’s skirt is twisted, then you shouldn’t post it. No matter how good looking you are at that picture; please think about the others before posting and tagging them. You probably don’t like it when someone tags you in candid or unflattering photos, so why would you do that to them? If you really want to post the picture, then crop it. Your friends will thank you for it.

Be respectful

Avoid engaging in aggressive debates online and sending out potentially offensive tweets. Remember, there’s another person on the receiving end. If you wouldn’t speak to the person that way face to face, then you shouldn’t do it online.


Social Media is one of the easiest and fastest ways to connect with your audience.However as a business, it is just as important to remain professional when engaging on social media. There are a few simple rules that should be followed:

Is your blogging content original?

When you are blogging, simply include an “article source: (insert original article link) at the end of your post. This lets readers know where the information came from, and it gives credit to the original author.

Use ‘@username’ on Twitter.

When you are re-tweeting, credit your source. Twitter’s 140-character limit makes this a little bit challenging, but crediting the author and/or source with a simple ‘@username’ can go a long way. Let’s say you tweeted out a personal thought or opinion about a hockey game. If one of your Twitter followers agreed with you, it is likely they would simply retweet your original thought. Now, wouldn’t you want to be informed that someone supported your thought enough to retweet it?

The beauty of the Internet comes from access to information. In the same sense, the beauty of social media is the added ease and convenience to share that information. If we continue to share, and share politely, the social media world will continue to grow and develop in the big-hearted and giving way that it has already.

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