
The holiday season is among us again which means we all feel the urge to kick back and relax with our families, get cozy by the fire, and wind down from the hard work we put in this year. But, while it may be difficult to stay focused around this time, the social media world is busier than ever! Now is the time to crack down and strengthen your business, reach more consumers, and get your name out there. With over 1 billion monthly active Facebook users and 255 million active Twitter users, the holiday consumers are turning towards social media platforms for information and incentives on what they plan to purchase this season. That is why right NOW is the time for you to steer your efforts toward creating a strategic holiday marketing plan for social media. Below are some tips on how your business can make the most out of this holiday season:

1. Develop A Campaign Strategy:coffeemug

If you’ve been using social media for your business, chances are you’ve been focusing more on getting the straight facts about your business out there and less on creativity. The holiday season is a perfect time for you to transform your campaign in to something that can grasp your audience. Incorporating some creativity into your business campaign will ensure that your posts are getting noticed by your market and are staying fresh and relevant. Each season offers new ideas and trends, especially this season, and it is important to stay on top of that with switching up your campaign for this next month. Since now is the time for your business to be in the social media spotlight, incorporating creativity into your marketing strategy will strengthen your image and grasp your consumer’s attention.

2. Make Customer Service a Priority:

One in three social media users now prefer to contact brands using social media rather than the phone. Especially during the holidays, questions will be rolling in about your products, prices, shipping, etc., and it is crucial to be ready and available to your customers. Ensuring that your consumer is satisfied should be your top priority this time of year. Twitter is a great example of a social media platform that makes it easy to address your customer’s needs. Use Twitter to invite people to ask any questions they have regarding your business and products. Also make sure you are paying close attention to what people are saying about your products and how frequently they are talking. Doing this not only benchmarks progress for the 2015 holidays, but it also provides insight that can help shape your strategy in the new year.

3. Host Contests and Sweepstakes:

Creating a contest or a sweepstakes on your social media platforms is a great way to spread awareness about your brand and to engage your audience. People love to win prizes around the holidays, so why not take advantage of this season with a contest or sweepstakes? This is also the busiest time of year and people are pressed for time, so ensure that there is a valuable prize for your contestants so that they don’t feel their time is being wasted. Selecting a prize that is relevant to your target market is crucial to make sure you are attracting the right people. Asking participants to upload photos, videos, or text-based entries are a fast, fun, and easy way for people to get involved with your contest or sweepstakes. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are great platforms for your participants to get creative and take part in your contest.