You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers! “Knowledge is Power,” and every week on Social Speak Network, we’re going to offer powerful resources to keep your brand fresh, on track and help you ramp up your social media marketing so you stand out from your competitors!


So what the heck is brand identity?  Hmmmmm…..scratching your head?  Well, you are NOT alone. Branding your business is imperative. There are a lot of informative websites, blogs and beyond that are chock full of information. Here is a GREAT resource to take a peek at:


Neil Patel is a New York Times best selling author.  The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web! You’ll want to read his blog post: How to Generate 67% More Customers With These 3 Pinterest Hacks!


Looking to find the BEST Twitter hashtags that will help you increase your social reach and brand awareness?  Check out this link to find out 9 tools that you can use!


If you have not been utilizing the power of Facebook Insights, now’s the time to dive in and learn who your audience is!  Insights is an awesome analytical tool that will help you understand your audience and how to steer your marketing efforts in the right direction!


Gary Vaynerchuk is founder and CEO of VaynerMedia, and one of the world’s leading marketing experts. As Gary says, “The single most important strategy in content marketing today is video. Whether it’s video on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or Youtube, the content you need to be thinking about creating and marketing on social for your business is video. Period.

Learn how to take your video marketing to the next level!