
5 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Video Content

When given a chance to choose a type of content, most people would choose video. After all, they’re more engaging and easy to grasp. This is why more and more businesses are investing in video content.

But let’s face it. Creating videos can be time-consuming. From research to prep to production and distribution, you’ll need to dedicate a lot of time and resources to the process. Worse, some videos don’t get the attention they deserve.

But why let all those videos gather dust when you can get more mileage from them? This is where repurposing comes in.

Repurposing content not only helps you save time but also captures the attention of a wider audience than if you were to present the information in a single format.

Here are five clever ways to repurpose your video content.

Share the video on different social media platforms

From Instagram to Tiktok and Youtube, there are a variety of platforms where you can upload bite-sized video content.

The maximum length for IG Reels is 15 to 30 seconds, while Youtube shorts can be 60 seconds. Now, Tiktok allows users to upload videos that are 3 minutes long. That means you can add more of that valuable content to your video.

This gives you plenty of opportunities to repurpose your videos, use them to fill up your content calendar, and reach a wider audience.

Create short video snippets

Creating short, bite-sized videos can be used as a teaser. Think of them as video trailers for your content. They can capture your audience’s attention and pique their interest before you even publish the whole video.

For best results, focus on the most exciting parts of the video. Don’t forget to include a link to let people know where they can find the rest of the video.

Write a blog post 

Of course, you can always publish an embedded video on your blog. But if you do, you won’t be able to maximize your video’s SEO potential. To do that, we highly recommend that you transcribe the video into text.

Believe it or not, one solid blog article can drive traffic to your site for years. Don’t worry. You don’t need to transcribe it manually. There are lots of software out there that provides you with a transcription of the video.

Turn video into a podcast episode

If you’ve thought of starting a podcast but can’t find the time to start, this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. In fact, you can easily convert your videos into an audio file. Now, all you have to do is to add an intro and outro, and your podcast is ready to go.

Turning your video into a podcast is one of the best ways to get your content in front of a wider audience without much extra work.

Turn it into a lead magnet

Are you looking to generate more leads for your business? Then why not turn your video into a lead magnet?

If you’ve just conducted a webinar, then you shouldn’t let it go to waste. It’s valuable, informative, and something most people can’t say no to. Plus, it can help you capture leads, and who knows… it may even help you convert visitors into paying clients.

Create a pop-up on your website and let visitors know they’ll get access to the webinar in exchange for their email address. Well, if you ask me, that would be a no-brainer. I’d hand in my email address, no questions asked.

5 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Video Content

5 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Video Content5 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Video Content

6 Ways to Maximize Your Video Content

There is no denying that videos are the most engaging type of content. They bring concepts to life, captures attention, and engages viewers. But let’s face it. Creating quality video content requires a lot of time and effort. It only makes sense to maximize its potential by converting it into different content formats.

Repurposing content doesn’t just save you time and resources, it also increases reach. Ready to stretch your video content as far as it can go? We listed down some of the most effective ways to repurpose your video content.

Create branded quote graphics with snippets from your video

Are you creating branded graphics for your practice? If not, then you should be. Branded graphics tell your story with visuals, attract your target audience, and create a uniform look across all your available channels.

Create branded graphics by using quotes from any of your video content. Use tools like Canva to create a visually appealing quote graphic. Make sure that your brand colors and fonts are reflected in your images. You want to ensure that your branding is consistent across your social channels.

Turn video content into a blog post

Are you running low on ideas for your blog? Consider turning your video content into a blog post. You can do this by either creating a blog post on that particular topic or posting the transcript of the video. Make sure to add the video recording in your blog post.

While video content is great, search engines like Google cannot crawl videos. By posting the transcriptions in the form of blogs posts, you’re creating content for Google to crawl. This can help your content rank in a number of ways. Plus, it provides a way to broaden the reach of your video content.

Trim clips and share them on Instagram

Videos are one of the most common types of content shared on Instagram, and for good reasons. They capture the attention of your target audience and get better engagement.

Instagram videos can be anywhere between 3 and 60 seconds long, depending on the post type. Instead of trying to cram everything you want to say into a 60-second video, make a one-minute trailer for Instagram. Find the most important tidbits that you can share with your audience. Or better yet, find a hook that tells people what value they’ll get from watching the whole thing.

Create a webinar highlight reel

Webinars take so much time and work to organize. Not milking every cent of its worth is a huge mistake. Offering a 5-minute highlight reel will help you extract even more value from your webinar.

A highlight reel can be beneficial for those who missed the webinar. It provides a short digest of what they missed. At the same time, it creates the understanding that they’ll have to show up in future webinars if they want to get the full content.

You can also use a highlight reel to promote future webinars and attract new audiences. This will give prospects an idea of your style, tone, and what to expect if they participate in the webinar.

Turn your videos into a podcast episode

Podcasts seem to be a growing trend, and it’s here to stay. If you’ve been planning to start podcast, but didn’t have the time for it, then this may be the solution to your problem.

If you’ve accumulated a ton of video content, you may want to repurpose your best content into podcast episodes.

Extraordinary podcasts are born out of everyday conversations. If you’ve had interviews or conversations via Zoom or Google Meet, you can also share them as podcasts for everyone to hear. This is one simple way to make the most out of your video content without a lot of work.

Use patient testimonial as a video ad

Patient testimonials help build your credibility. If you’re looking to build a larger, more invested audience, you want to use customer testimonials to promote your brand.

Providing social proof and real customer testimonials is one of the most effective ways to gain the trust of potential clients. Let your happy clients and patients do the talking and make an impact on your conversion rates. Make sure, though, that you got the patient’s approval first before using the video for this purpose.

6 Ways to Maximize Your Video Content


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