
Use Pinterest to Generate Website Traffic and Leads

For businesses, getting more people to visit their websites is like opening doors to potential customers. It’s a big deal because more visitors mean more chances of turning them into loyal customers. And in this digital age, where competition is fierce, finding effective ways to drive traffic is key. That’s where Pinterest comes into play.

Pinterest is not just a place for pretty pictures; it’s a dynamic platform with the potential to supercharge your website traffic and lead-generation efforts. 

In this article, we’re diving deep into how Pinterest can boost your website traffic and convert more leads.  So buckle up as we explore how this vibrant platform can be the driving force behind your business success.

Understanding Pinterest as a Traffic and Lead Generation Tool

Unlike traditional social media platforms, Pinterest isn’t just a place to share updates or engage with friends; it’s a thriving search engine in its own right. 

With over 400 million monthly users, Pinterest offers a vast pool of potential customers actively seeking inspiration, ideas, and solutions. It’s where users turn their aspirations into reality, making it an ideal platform to showcase your brand’s products or services. 

Create a Pinterest Profile That Converts

Your Pinterest profile serves as the digital storefront of your brand. Creating a Pinterest profile that converts involves more than just selecting a profile picture and filling out a bio. It’s about strategically shaping your brand’s digital identity to resonate with your target audience and guide them seamlessly toward your offerings. 

Use these tips for crafting a Pinterest profile that converts: 

  • Bio and Profile Picture: Your bio should convey your brand’s mission and values, setting the tone for what users can expect from your content. Choose a profile picture that encapsulates your brand’s essence, making it instantly recognizable amidst a sea of pins.
  • Board Organization: Organize your boards thoughtfully, arranging them in sections that mirror your business categories. This makes it easier for users to navigate your content, increasing their likelihood of finding pins relevant to their interests.
  • Search Optimization: Incorporate keywords relevant to your niche in your profile description and board titles. This enhances your profile’s visibility in Pinterest’s search results, driving organic traffic.
  • Branding: Every pin you create and every board you curate contributes to your brand narrative. Maintain consistency in color schemes, fonts, and imagery to create a cohesive brand identity that resonates with users.

Craft Compelling Pins

Pinterest is a visual platform, and the importance of crafting compelling pins that stand out cannot be overstated. 

To succeed in this visual platform, you need to focus on these key elements: 

  • Visual Appeal: High-quality, eye-catching images are non-negotiable. They should evoke emotions or curiosity, prompting users to engage. Vertical images with a 2:3 aspect ratio work best.
  • Clear Headline: Craft a succinct yet enticing headline encapsulating the pin’s content. It should provide a glimpse of the value users will gain.
  • Descriptive Text: The pin’s description should elaborate on the headline, providing more context or details that pique users’ interest.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): Every pin should have a purpose. Incorporate a CTA that directs users toward the desired action, whether it’s clicking through to your website or saving the pin.

Build Strategic Boards

Boards on Pinterest are like organized shelves in a library, helping users find what they’re looking for. They’re content categories that neatly group your pins, making it easier for users to discover and explore your offerings.  

Imagine you’re a fashion brand. Instead of tossing all your pins into a single digital drawer, you can create boards like “Summer Styles,” “Formal Attire,” and “Accessories Galore.” Each board focuses on a specific theme, helping users quickly spot what appeals to them.

This strategic organization means that users into summer fashion can dive straight into your “Summer Styles” board, finding a collection that resonates with their preferences. This keeps users engaged and increases the likelihood of them following you, engaging with your pins, and visiting your website. 

Leveraging Keywords for Pinterest SEO

Keywords are like signposts on Pinterest, helping people find what they want. They’re super important because they connect your content with users who are interested in it.

To find the right keywords, list words people would type when searching. For instance, if you’re sharing cake recipes, words like “chocolate cake,” “easy baking,” or “dessert ideas” would be a good start.

Pinterest’s search bar is like a treasure chest of ideas. Type in a word and see what comes up – these are the words people seek. Be sure to incorporate those keywords in your pin’s description, the title of your board, and even your profile. This helps your pins show up when people search. More searches mean more chances for people to see your pins.

Using pins to drive traffic to your website

Pins aren’t just pretty pictures. They’re your ticket to bringing more visitors to your website. 

Here’s how to make them work their magic. 

  • Pin with purpose: When creating pins, consider where you want people to go next. If you’re sharing a recipe, make sure the pin clicks through to a page with that recipe. It’s like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for them to follow. 
  • Landing pages that wow: Picture this: someone clicks on your pin, and they’re excited to see more. Your landing page should be like a warm welcome, giving them exactly what they came for. If it’s a recipe pin, the landing page should have the full recipe, with some extra tips or stories.
  • Keep track of your pins’ performance: Check your data to see how many people click through your pins. This helps you understand what’s popular and what might need a little boost. 

Ready to Unlock Pinterest’s Full Potential?

If you’re looking to harness the true power of Pinterest for driving traffic and generating leads, we’re here to help. 

We specialize in crafting tailored Pinterest marketing strategies that align with your brand and goals. From pin creation to board creation and tracking, we’ve got you covered.

Use Pinterest to Generate Website Traffic and Leads

Use Pinterest to Generate Website Traffic and LeadsUse Pinterest to Generate Website Traffic and Leads

Pinterest SEO: 5 Tips to Make Pinterest Work For You

Pinterest is a visual social network, so you might think that SEO doesn’t play much of a role here. I mean, nobody actually comes to Pinterest to search for content, right? After all, pinning stuff is what Pinterest is all about! But it turns out that Pinterest has a lot of SEO potential.

In fact, Pinterest users love to share links! When creating compelling boards and pinning tons of great stuff, you’re also sending traffic to your website.

Tons of businesses use Pinterest to drive more traffic to their website, but it’s not just about pinning pretty pictures. If you want your Pinterest pins to rank well in search engines, you need to make sure you’re doing SEO correctly.

So how can you use Pinterest for SEO? Read on!

Do keyword research to give you an idea of what users are looking for 

Using the right keywords can help your content reach the right people. So before you get started, it is essential to do keyword research. Create a list of the top keywords in your niche, and use them to inspire your content calendar.

Recipes are a huge hit on Pinterest. Let’s say you’re a nutritionist or a blogger who focuses on healthy living. You might want to create recipes related to the keywords you found.

If you’re a fashion blogger or a clothing retailer, take note of the keywords related to your niche and then create different boards and pins for each season.

Optimize your Pinterest boards

You can optimize your boards by making sure they’re relevant to your blog content or business. So that when someone searches a particular topic, they will find you.

When optimizing your boards, be sure to use keywords that people would search for to find the pins associated with them. Also, make sure you have at least three boards with lots of pins on them. The more boards you have, the more traffic you will get from Pinterest.

Write thoughtful pin descriptions

Including detailed descriptions can help your pins perform better. This, in turn, can help improve your reach and improve your pins’ SEO rankings.

If your Pinterest content isn’t optimized for pinner’s searches, then you’re missing out. You have 500 characters for your descriptions, so make the most out of it. Provide some helpful information about your pin. Give your audience a preview of what they’ll get from your content: what they’ll learn, how it would benefit them, and a call to action. These small bits of information may be just what they need to click through to your site.

If possible, include long-tail keywords in your description. They perform better than single or 2-word keywords since they describe what people are looking for. Just be careful not to overdo it. Google hates it when you stuff keywords into your descriptions, and you’ll likely be penalized for it in search engine rankings.

Use keywords as hashtags

Even though hashtags are optional on Pinterest, they are still considered beneficial. For one, they help users quickly find the content they are looking for. Plus, it helps you quickly get your pins to the top of the search results page.

Only include relevant words and phrases that describe the content in the pin. Avoid using popular but irrelevant hashtags to get people’s attention.

While Pinterest allows users to use more than 20 hashtags per pin, we advise that you limit your hashtags between 2 and 8. Having too many hashtags will make your pins look spammy.

Optimize your website for Pinterest SEO

Linking your website to your Pinterest account is an excellent step towards a better SEO performance.

You can use Pinterest tags to determine what types of Pinterest content deliver the most traffic to your website and what kind of content isn’t working. Plus, it gives you an idea of what people are doing on your website after interacting with your pins. The data is collected and sent back to your Pinterest account, so you can use it to adjust your strategy accordingly.

It’s also a good idea to add share buttons to your product pages. This allows visitors to pin items from your website to their boards.

Final thoughts

Pinterest is a great way to connect with your target audience. It’s visual and social, so it lends itself well to highlighting your content or promoting your products. Whether you’re a blogger, an artist, or a retailer, you can use the platform to drive traffic back to your website and gain followers in the process.

Pinterest may seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll realize that it’s easy to navigate. If you need help with Pinterest marketing, please schedule a free 30-minute consultation call with us. We’ll help you leverage Pinterest SEO to ensure your pins are getting maximum results.

Pinterest SEO 5 Tips to Make Pinterest Work For You

5 Tips to Make Pinterest Work For Your Blog5 Tips to Make Pinterest Work For Your Family Medicine Practice

5 Tips to Make Pinterest Work For Your Mental Health Practice

Today, we will go through Pinterest, and we are going to do an audit on our account. So we have been working with Pinterest for a long time. We use Pinterest for many of our clients, driving traffic back to their website through a very strategic Pin strategy, posting to different boards, Tailwind communities, and different Pinterest groups, and also through promoted Pins. We were coming in to do this anyway to make sure we’re doing as we say to do. It’s one of those, “Do as we say, not as we do.” [chuckle] We want to make sure that what we’re doing with our clients, that we’re doing for ourselves as well. So as you’ll see, we are in our business Pinterest account. And when you come to your Pinterest account, you want to make sure that it is a business account. And you’ll see your home feed here. The reason why you want a business account is because of the analytics and the ads. So with a business account, there are also a few different Pins you can create. The analytics are very important because they will show you how many views you have each month on your Pinterest account. It will also show you what pins are being saved and have the most engagement, and your ads to promote those ads to drive more traffic back to your website.

Business Pinterest Account

We’re going to go to the business hub. And this is kind of the behind-the-scenes; this will tell you just a sneak peek of our analytics, which we’ll get to first. What our public profile looks like. So over here, on the right-hand side, you’ll see your logo. If this is a personal account you’ve been using, there should be an option that says “Switch to Business Account,” and that’s what you want to do. So a couple of things, you can change this header. You can have a specific header there as you have on your Facebook or your YouTube channel with your business name, what you do, your logo, things like that. We have it just set up to show our most recent Pins. So that’s more of a personal preference. This is a good space for that brand-building, we work with many different types of bloggers, so this may be a great area for your branded images with your mission or topics you cover. If you are a mom blog that works with kids ten and younger or just giving your audience a little insight into who you are, that’s a great place to have it.

Your logo or image here, your company name, and this all depends on your brand. Caitlin and I have branded Social Speak Network, so that’s our logo; that’s obviously what all of our social media is. But as a blogger, you may be branding your name, so this may be your name if you don’t have a business name for your blog. So it depends on what brand you’re using; that’s what would go here. And then your description, making sure it’s apparent what it is that you do. And then you’ll see we have only 635 followers, we’re following 129 people, but we have over 43,000 monthly views. That’s good for us. Pinterest is not a social media platform, It’s important to have followers, but you’re not banking on the number of followers you have on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. It comes down to your Pin strategy. That’s the most important piece.

So you’ll see that these are all the Pins that we have created and that we’ve put up on our account, and you’ll be able to see how many times they have been viewed, and these have just been posted this week, so there’s not a whole whole lot of views on them yet. You’ll see that the ones that we pinned a few months ago have many more views. So what I want to do is look at what the Saved button is, which will change our profile to show the boards that we have. Now, when you think you can click on All Pins, we’ve had 63,000 Pins. And there is a mixture here of what we want to do. We talk a lot about healthcare digital marketing tips. We have social media marketing for small businesses. We have SEO and blogging tips, social media management for bloggers, finding your target market, Instagram marketing tips, Facebook marketing tips.

Setting Up Pinterest Boards

Some of these boards like this one that only has 18 Pins, we have it pinned there for a while, so we can either move those Pins to another board or let that board go if we’re not utilizing it. With our SEO, you can see that we have 663 Pins there and 500 Pins in our healthcare digital marketing. So focus on the boards you’re going to be utilizing the most, and what’s important with those is that you have an SEO-friendly title, so search engine optimization. Remember, Pinterest is that search engine, so what is your audience looking for? Are they looking for how to find your target market? This is great because that is what this board says. And if you click onto the board again, we haven’t used that board a lot because we only had 16 Pins. Then the description. To describe what that board is about and what types of Pins people will be seeing on that board. And again, you want to utilize those keywords here as well.

You can add notes; if you post to a different group of Pinterest boards, they’ll have notes of those rules. That’s a great either way to utilize that Notes section. Doing your Pinterest audit, going through each of your boards, and ensuring that you have a keyword-friendly title, a description, if you click this Edit button, the pencil, this is… So here, I don’t have a description for email marketing, so email, maybe it should be, “Is email marketing dead? No. It is very much alive and works great. In this board, we will show you how to grow your email list and utilize email marketing for your business.” So email marketing tips, you can add a board cover. It’s going to pull up the Pins from that board, and you can pick which one you want, okay? Let’s see; we’ll do this one. Click done. And then if you don’t like that board cover, you can go back, click Edit, and then maybe find this one, and then that looks perfect.

You’ll have the name, the description, and then click Done, okay? So go through each of your boards and make sure that you are utilizing the space correctly. Here in our content marketing strategy, we have over 1700 Pins. But here on How to Build an authentic business brand, we only have 10 Pins. These tips can go into maybe our business tips, and we can get rid of that board. You can also have secret boards. We love using Pinterest to get ideas on what other people are pinning. So you can create a board here at the plus sign and click Board, and then this can just be Pinterest image ideas. Keep this board secret. So what this means is as you’re scrolling through Pinterest, you can save images to this board, but they will not show up on your profile, this is just for you to see as an admin, and then you can pull that board up and look at, “Oh, okay, this is what I liked about that image,” and… As you need. So, “Oh yes. Oh, I love how they did that. That’s perfect, I like that image. Oh, this is cute.”

Pinterest Images

Because you’re going to see, there are different styles to Pinterest images and different lengths, and the longer lengths work better. Here’s an infographic. This image here is slightly longer than this one, but it’s a little hard for me to read and seems a little cluttered. I may be more apt to click on this one because it’s cleaner. So look at what types of Pins you like, what images you like, and then save them to that private board so then you can get ideas when it comes time to create content, okay? So now you have these four Pins here in my super-secret board, and we are all set. So after you do the audit on your boards, you want to come over to your analytics. And I always just click on the overview. And now, with Pinterest, you also want to try different; Types of content. Images are number one. Try the square images. If you use Tailwind, you can link your Instagram to your Tailwind, and you can pin the exact images you’re putting onto Instagram on Pinterest. So that makes it easy to monitor those square images. Are they getting clicks?

If you pin them, you’ll need to change the link because they’re going to link back to your Instagram account automatically. If that’s where you want them to go, great, otherwise change the link back to your blog. As I said, the long images. And if you’re using Canva, Canva has a great tool to create Pinterest images at different sizes. So you can try different sizes, as I said but also get creative with your Pinterest templates of adding video into these templates. So that will help increase those user views because you can add your video to this image, customize the colors, add a different change of the content, and then be able to put that onto Pinterest. You would also just have animated images like this that say, “10 Great Places To Travel With Kids.” It stops the scroll on Pinterest. So as you use different types of content, you’ll want to monitor it in your analytics. Looking at your Pin’s impressions, you can look at engagements. And this is just going to be the last 30 days.

And then, and you can see okay, so on Wednesday, I had 85 engagements on our Pinterest account. That’s awesome. What about Pin clicks? We want to make sure we’re driving that website traffic to the right places. So we had 60 clicks on Monday, the 27th. Obviously, on Christmas, we still had 30 clicks, which it’s Christmas Day, and people are still on Pinterest, so Pinterest never sleeps. It keeps going and going. This is a great platform for you to be able to look at to say, “When is my audience on Pinterest, what days of the weeks?” And so that’s where you’re gonna wanna monitor your engagement, what are my top boards? Business tips and social media management for bloggers, we’ve had 5700 impressions, 56 outbound/inbound clicks, and this is no promotion, this is just organic, 31 saves, 111 pin clicks. So this is interesting to be able to see the difference between the boards, what’s working more, and what’s not. And then also here are…

Repinning Pins on Pinterest

Some of these are our original content, and many of them are curated content, meaning Repins from trusted sources, like pin, from CoSchedule, Social Media Today, Hootsuite, Buffer, etc. We look at Social Media Examiner Neil Patel, the people in our industry that we get our information from, and we’ll repin their boards, or their pins to our boards. And then many of them are, obviously, with our logo on it, this is our own. So it’s cool to see, okay, so this one here had 2500 views or impressions, but I can create an image similar to this with our branding and see if it gets even more views. So Pinterest gives you all of the data you need to be successful on Pinterest. Here we have 740, so 6.2% engagement on this pin, 2.2% engagement on that pin. So it’s good to know what people are clicking on, what images they’re finding attractive, to draw them to that, and so that’s really where we want to then focus on, okay, what about this post drew people to it, where it makes them wanna click, and keep going, because this pin was created August 27th, and this is the stats for December to this month, so it’s really cool to look at where… What’s working, and what’s not working.

Then the other part is, if you go back to your profile, you can promote some of the pins or as many pins as you want that you have put up, and this is where it helps drive that traffic to your website even more. So here’s why Pinterest is good at driving blog traffic, I clicked promote, and it’s going to bring me here: what is the destination URL you want, what is the daily budget, and how many days?

I think 84% of Pinterest is done mobile-y, so it’s important to see what it would look like computer view, but that mobile. So that’s what it would look like a computer, this is what it would look like mobile. Most people use Pinterest on their phones. So take time, go through your Pinterest account. If you need help figuring out what board names you should have, how you should be creating those pins, what that strategy looks like, let us know, we do have Pinterest management packages, and we are helping our clients with that creative process, but also more the time management process. If you’re using the right tools you can pin from anywhere from 25 times per week up to 200 times per week, if you’re utilizing the right tools, so… And that’s a mixture of organic content, pulling from your blog post, from your social media post, and then that’s also that repining, pulling from people that you know, and trust, that are like-hearted, and like-minded to your business, and being able to pin their pins to your boards as well.

If you need help, head on over to today, schedule a free 30-minute consultation, let’s get you pinning correctly today. Thank you so much, have a great day.