You know the old adage “A picture’s worth a thousand words”, well, that holds true on social media too! The best image with the wrong dimensions can completely derail your plan for the perfect post and kill your quest to go viral.
Make note of these image sizes to ensure you are putting your BEST foot forward on Twitter:
Header/Banner Image:
This is the image that runs across the top of your Twitter profile.
For best results aim for an image that is:
- 1500 x 500 pixels
- A recommended file size of 10 MB
- File format JPG, GIF, or PNG
Profile Picture:
Your profile picture is the square image that sits on the left, bottom side of your header photo.
For best results aim for an image that is:
- 400 x 400 pixels
- A recommended file size of 100 KB
- File format JPG, GIF, or PNG
In-Stream/Newsfeed Image:
This is the image that accompanies your “tweet”.
For best results aim for an image that is:
- Minimum to appear expanded 440 x 220 pixels
- Maximum to appear 1024 x 512 pixels
- Appears in news feed collapsed at 506 x 253 pixels
- Maximum file size of 5 MB for pictures and 3 MB for animated GIFs
Happy tweeting!