By utilizing the Eisenhower Matrix, you can divide your tasks into 4 different boxes and be able to focus on what is most important, schedule what is important but not urgent, delegate everything you can and then don’t do the things that don’t serve a purpose in your business.
The Eisenhower Box: How to be More Productive
To Do: Draw a big box on your paper and then divide that box into 4 little boxes.
Label the first box- Do First
Label the second box – Schedule
Label the third box – Delegate
Label the fourth box – Don’t do
5 time management tips when working with the Eisenhower Matrix
- Putting things to-do on a list frees your mind. But always question what is worth doing first.
- Try limiting yourself to no more than eight tasks per quadrant. Before adding another one, complete the most important one first. Remember: It is not about collecting but finishing tasks.
- You should always maintain only one list for both business and private tasks. That way you will never be able to complain about not having done anything for your family or yourself at the end of the day.
- Do not let you or others distract you. Do not let others define your priority. Plan in the morning, then work on your stuff. And in the end, enjoy the feeling of completion.
- Finally, try not to procrastinate that much. Not even by over-managing your to-dos.
Prioritizing tasks by urgency and importance results in 4 quadrants with different work strategies:
Another example source: