

The growth of social media continues to expand. Facebook has over 1 billion users; while Twitter and Instagram has over 280 million and 200 million active users respectively.

Many of us flock to these popular social media sites to give and receive the latest scoop on pretty much everything. We all love to post different events in our lives to let everyone know what is going on, but some people gets overboard when it comes to using social media.

Whether you’re using social media for professional or personal use, here are 4 things you should stop doing.


You probably have a friend who updates their status every 15 minutes or so. It can get irritating sometimes, especially since your news feeds is full of their postings. We hate to break it to you, but no one wants to be that clued in about your life.

Using more hashtags than words

Hashtags are great for giving your campaigns their own special theme, finding and jumping into conversations and categorizing your posts, but piling on the hashtags just looks desperate. Please keep your hashtag usage in check.

Automated messages

It may seem like a good idea to send a thank you message to users who follow you, but I’m willing to bet that some people consider it as spam.

While there are some people who say that sending automated messages has helped grow their follower count, it may come off as detached, lazy and out of touch for some. Remember, genuineness wins when it comes to earning the trust of your target audience.

Adding people to groups without their permission

Groups are a great place to talk to people with the same interests as yours. Just because you created a group for golfers, doesn’t give you the right to add your golfer friends to the group without their permission. If you think some of your friends would be interested to be a part of the group, consider sending them a message and tell them what it’s all about.

These days, almost everyone seems to want more likes, shares and comments on their Facebook posts, but creating content is not easy. As a matter of fact, a lot of businesses are having a hard time coming up with ideas that sometimes they just give up.

If this sounds like you, then we’re hoping that this post will help you come up with an effective Facebook post that will get you crazy likes, shares and comments.

Post photos

Most Facebook marketers believe that images are the cornerstone of Facebook. People love seeing photos.  These days, people are so overloaded with information that they prefer something that is easier to consume. Plus, photos are fun to share too.

By posting the right images, you are guaranteed to generate more engagement from your fans. But please keep in mind that moderation is the key. These photos may get you some viral sharing but posting an endless stream of random photos could do you more harm than good.


If you love getting comments, feel free to use fill-in-the-blank type of posts. People love to offer their inputs. Be creative and have fun creating your own posts. However, be sure not to leave it too open-ended as the engagement may suffer if you require your fans to come up an entire sentence. Keep the post short and ask for a short answer.


Video is a great marketing tool. If you are willing to appear on those videos, then it would be easier for you to connect and build trust with your audience.

One of the best ways of using video is through education. By creating an educational video, you are showing your audience that you know what you’re talking about and that you are an authority in your business.

Telling stories is another way of using videos. If you have just launched your business, this will be a great way of telling your story and introducing your company to the public.