
6 Tips for Writing Email Subject Lines that Get Opened

A good email starts with a subject line that captures the recipient’s attention. It has to be engaging and interesting enough to give people a reason to open and read your email. But let’s face it. Writing a catchy, powerful subject line isn’t easy. Some don’t even give it much thought. If this is you, then you’re making a big mistake.

It doesn’t really matter how valuable your message is. If your emails aren’t getting opened, then they’re not getting read.

The chances of your emails being ignored are pretty high unless you have a powerful subject line. Use these tips to get your emails opened, read, and, and clicked.

Keep them short

Today, more and more people are checking their emails on their smartphones. What most people fail to realize is that only 30 characters of an email’s subject line are shown on a mobile phone. To avoid getting your subject lines truncated, we recommend keeping them short.

In today’s busy world, you want to make sure that your subject line conveys your message succinctly but clearly. Get right to the point in about six to eight words. Aim for no more than 50 characters or so, as longer subject lines may get cut off on some devices.

Come to think of it. What good is your subject line if recipients can’t even read them?

Communicate urgency

Everyone feels a certain level of FOMO in their lives. Studies suggest that people are more likely to respond to the possibility of missing out than gaining something. Use it to your advantage by applying it to your subject lines.

Consider using action phrases that convey a sense of urgency, so that people will act quickly. Instead of saying, “We have a special offer for you”, use action-oriented language to create a sense of urgency and motivate recipients to open the email.

You can say something like, “Offer expires in X days”.  Don’t be afraid to make the turnaround as short as 24 hours. Setting a deadline creates a sense of urgency that encourages the recipient to prioritize your email.

Tell them what’s inside

What is the purpose of sending the email? Is it to promote an upcoming event? Are you delivering an ebook you promised a visitor? Maybe you just want to share some tips or advice with your subscribers? Whatever the reason is, be very clear about the value of your email and what it means for your subscribers.

Make it clear that there is something valuable waiting inside the email. Use your subject line as a teaser.

Use language that implies exclusivity

People love being included in something exclusive. Using phrases such as “exclusive offer” or “members only” can entice them to sit up and really pay attention.

Use the principle of exclusivity to make readers feel special. Instead of saying “Please take part in our survey”, try saying “You have been selected to take part in our survey”. This suggests that they have been personally chosen and that their response truly matters.

Avoid using words that trigger spam filters

You may not be sending spam on purpose, but if you use certain words on your email, they are likely to be picked up by spam filters.

The last thing you want is for your emails to land straight in the recipient’s SPAM inbox. In some cases, people report an e-mail as spam based on their subject line alone. That’s why you should be careful when choosing the words you use in your email’s subject line.

Avoid using words such as free, no hidden costs, act now, 100% free, % off, $, guarantee. To make it easier, you can refer to Hubspot’s Ultimate List of Email SPAM Trigger Words.

Create some sense of mystery

Some subject lines work because they pique the recipient’s natural curiosity and interest. They know they will benefit from opening the email. But have you tried adding mystery to your email subject lines?

Mystery email subject lines create a bit of intrigue and playfulness. They’ll pique your subscribers’ interest, they’ll have no choice but to open and read the email. It might be just the creative tactic you need to cut through the noise.

Bonus tip: Test and analyze

Don’t be afraid to test different subject lines to see what works best. Analyze your open rates and adjust your approach as needed to continually improve your email marketing strategy.

Final thoughts

Crafting an email subject line is an essential part of any email marketing strategy. By following the tips outlined above, you can ensure that your emails are getting into the inboxes of your target audience and increase engagement.


6 Tips for Writing Email Subject Lines that Get Opened

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6 Tips for Writing Email Subject Lines for your Family Medicine Practice

6 Ways Healthcare Businesses Can Benefit from Email Marketing

Love it or hate it, email remains to be one of the primary means of communication. Despite its age, ubiquity, and versatility, most business owners assume that it is one of those things that doesn’t work. Maybe that’s even you and your practice. 

Email is actually a great option for marketing and promoting your practice. Here are 6 reasons why healthcare businesses and providers should do email marketing. 

Create a stronger relationship with patients 

According to a study that was conducted by researchers from Pew Internet, 80% of internet users have searched for a health-related topic online.

You know that there is a demand for healthcare content. People have already given you permission to email them. Now, they expect you to give them something in return. 

Email is a great place to share relevant and timely health information. You can share some tips on how to avoid flu at work or how to keep kids safe while playing in the snow. 

Your subscribers are already looking for these types of information online. By sending relevant and well-crafted healthcare content regularly, they’ll see that you care about their health and well-being. The more value you provide to your subscribers, the more they’ll look forward to hearing from you. When that happens, you’ll have a better chance of earning their trust and loyalty. 

Personalized communication

People love it when businesses and treats them as an individual. Email marketing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to show your patients and subscribers that you value and care about them. It allows you to keep in touch with your audience on a regular basis. It can be as simple as “Thank you for subscribing”, a sincere “Happy Birthday” or some healthcare tips.  

Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and read. Make sure that you address the recipient by their name. It is also a good idea to use a person’s name in the “from” field. People are more likely to trust and relate to an email that comes from a person as opposed to a business. 


There are a number of channels you can use to market your practice online. But email remains among the simplest, most cost-effective ways for you to market yourself and your practice. In fact, sending a monthly newsletter to your email list could cost you nothing more than your time. The best part? It lets you send your message around the world in seconds. 

When done right, email marketing helps you to increase the ROI from your digital marketing efforts. It keeps you top of mind with the folks on your email list and build a more personal relationship with them.

Extensive reach 

With the rise of social media, many businesses have abandoned email marketing, and we’re not surprised. 

There are 4.3 billion internet users across the globe. Approximately 80% of them have social media accounts. That’s huge! But here’s the thing. The average click-through rate for a Facebook post is between 0.5 and 2%. If you have 1,000 followers, that means only 5-20 of them will see your posts. 

Contrary to popular misconception, email marketing has great delivery and conversion rate. Almost everyone has an email, and they check it every now and then – while eating, while working or while waiting for the bus to arrive. 

If you want to reach your target audience, you can do so through email. While not everyone will click and read the email, they are 80% more likely to do so than a Facebook post they might not even see. 

Preferred method of communication 

Email is far less obtrusive than a phone call or in-person visit. Plus, it is perceived as a more private outlet than social media. For this reason, many people prefer to communicate via email when it comes to their healthcare and medical needs. 

A decade ago, people would use email to communicate with their family and friends. But a lot of that has shifted to social media, video chat, and texting. Email, on the other hand, is often reserved for work or business transactions, especially when dealing with very sensitive information. 

Target select audience 

We all know that the content is what makes an email great. But there is no point in sending out well-crafted, high-quality content if they are directed to the wrong audience. 

Email marketing gives you the freedom to organize your contacts into segments. That means you can communicate with them based on their age, location, interest, etc. This way, you can easily customize your message for the different audiences you communicate with. 

If you’re an emergency clinic, age would be an important demographic. For instance, you can send content that is centered on slips and falls to older adults on your list. For young adults, it could be about sports-related injuries.   

By segmenting your list by age group, you can tailor the content of your email to suit the specific health interest and current situation of the recipient. When relevant content reaches the right audience, you’ll stay on top of mind with patients, establish a strong relationship, and build lifelong trust.


Healthcare Businesses Can Benefit from Email Marketing

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6 Ways Mental Health Professionals Can Benefit from Email Marketing

Email Marketing Tips for Your Healthcare Practice

You’ve probably heard more than a few times that email marketing is dead. But statistics say not a chance. In fact, studies suggest that email marketing beats Facebook and Twitter in customer acquisition by 40 times. And for every $1 spent on email marketing, it generates $44 in ROI.

Email is one of the most efficient channels for delivering advertising messages to people who have shown interest in your services. It allows you to connect with them on a personal level, which helps you build a relationship with your audience and drives your practice forward.

So how do you ensure that your email efforts drive in the most bang for your buck? Here are some tips.

Create attention-grabbing subject lines

How many unopened emails do you have in your inbox? 500? 850? If you’re like me, then you probably have thousands.

You have great content to share, but it won’t matter if the emails aren’t’ getting opened and read. To boost your email open rates, you need to craft subject lines that subscribers simply can’t resist.

Keep in mind that people only scan their inbox very quickly, so make sure to keep your subject lines are short. Also, do tell them what’s inside. If a person signed up to your list and you promised to send them an in ebook in return, then you can use subject lines like “Your guide awaits!” or “Your ebook inside!”. This is better than just saying “Thank you”. It’s short, direct to the point, and lets them know that something is waiting inside the email.

Hit the right frequency

Think of the last time you unsubscribed from an email. If you’re like most people, I bet you did because you’ve been receiving too many of them from a single sender. That said, you need to consider this when sending emails to your subscribers.

The last thing you want is to bombard people on your email list with offer after offer. You don’t want to do it so infrequently either that they’ll end up forgetting about you.

So how often should you send emails to your subscribers? Honestly, there is no chiseled-in-stone answer.

But you can start by keeping an eye on what industry leaders are doing. They have done their homework and have built schedules that perform well.

Segment emails

Many of you probably receive dozens of emails every single day. Now, let me ask you. How many of these emails do you read? How many of them really resonate with you? I bet many of them don’t, right?

If you want to increase your open rates as well as your conversion rates, then you need to make sure that you’re sending the right messages to the right people. How? By segmenting your emails.

Segmentation means breaking your email list into smaller segments. This allows you to personalize your emails and ensure that the messages are completely relevant for each recipient. By doing so you’re likely to get 15% more opens and 60% more clicks than if you don’t segment your campaigns.

Make recipients feel special

Growing your email list is vital. But you also need to think of your existing subscribers. These people are the ones who avail of your services and helped you grow your practice. In addition to health tips and advice, you also need to give them something extra. It can be in the form a discount, free visit, or an exclusive offer.

Studies suggest that people tend to desire and give more value to things that are scarce. You can leverage on the principle of scarcity to make your readers feel special.

Let’s say you just published a book. Let your subscribers know that you’re giving them a chance to buy the book before you release it in public. Or you can also give them some discount vouchers for the trust and loyalty they have shown you.

Create a powerful CTA

The goal of email marketing is to get the reader to take action. A clever copy with a powerful call-to-action can make all the difference in your campaign.

A call-to-action is an important step towards actively directing the readers to your goal or objective. Simple call-to-actions such as “call now”, “schedule an appointment now”, and “buy now” usually works, but don’t limit yourself to the common ones. Try to think outside the box and create a powerful CTA that would grab a reader’s attention.

Email Marketing Tips for Your Healthcare Practice


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