
Use Pinterest to Generate Website Traffic and Leads

For businesses, getting more people to visit their websites is like opening doors to potential customers. It’s a big deal because more visitors mean more chances of turning them into loyal customers. And in this digital age, where competition is fierce, finding effective ways to drive traffic is key. That’s where Pinterest comes into play.

Pinterest is not just a place for pretty pictures; it’s a dynamic platform with the potential to supercharge your website traffic and lead-generation efforts. 

In this article, we’re diving deep into how Pinterest can boost your website traffic and convert more leads.  So buckle up as we explore how this vibrant platform can be the driving force behind your business success.

Understanding Pinterest as a Traffic and Lead Generation Tool

Unlike traditional social media platforms, Pinterest isn’t just a place to share updates or engage with friends; it’s a thriving search engine in its own right. 

With over 400 million monthly users, Pinterest offers a vast pool of potential customers actively seeking inspiration, ideas, and solutions. It’s where users turn their aspirations into reality, making it an ideal platform to showcase your brand’s products or services. 

Create a Pinterest Profile That Converts

Your Pinterest profile serves as the digital storefront of your brand. Creating a Pinterest profile that converts involves more than just selecting a profile picture and filling out a bio. It’s about strategically shaping your brand’s digital identity to resonate with your target audience and guide them seamlessly toward your offerings. 

Use these tips for crafting a Pinterest profile that converts: 

  • Bio and Profile Picture: Your bio should convey your brand’s mission and values, setting the tone for what users can expect from your content. Choose a profile picture that encapsulates your brand’s essence, making it instantly recognizable amidst a sea of pins.
  • Board Organization: Organize your boards thoughtfully, arranging them in sections that mirror your business categories. This makes it easier for users to navigate your content, increasing their likelihood of finding pins relevant to their interests.
  • Search Optimization: Incorporate keywords relevant to your niche in your profile description and board titles. This enhances your profile’s visibility in Pinterest’s search results, driving organic traffic.
  • Branding: Every pin you create and every board you curate contributes to your brand narrative. Maintain consistency in color schemes, fonts, and imagery to create a cohesive brand identity that resonates with users.

Craft Compelling Pins

Pinterest is a visual platform, and the importance of crafting compelling pins that stand out cannot be overstated. 

To succeed in this visual platform, you need to focus on these key elements: 

  • Visual Appeal: High-quality, eye-catching images are non-negotiable. They should evoke emotions or curiosity, prompting users to engage. Vertical images with a 2:3 aspect ratio work best.
  • Clear Headline: Craft a succinct yet enticing headline encapsulating the pin’s content. It should provide a glimpse of the value users will gain.
  • Descriptive Text: The pin’s description should elaborate on the headline, providing more context or details that pique users’ interest.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): Every pin should have a purpose. Incorporate a CTA that directs users toward the desired action, whether it’s clicking through to your website or saving the pin.

Build Strategic Boards

Boards on Pinterest are like organized shelves in a library, helping users find what they’re looking for. They’re content categories that neatly group your pins, making it easier for users to discover and explore your offerings.  

Imagine you’re a fashion brand. Instead of tossing all your pins into a single digital drawer, you can create boards like “Summer Styles,” “Formal Attire,” and “Accessories Galore.” Each board focuses on a specific theme, helping users quickly spot what appeals to them.

This strategic organization means that users into summer fashion can dive straight into your “Summer Styles” board, finding a collection that resonates with their preferences. This keeps users engaged and increases the likelihood of them following you, engaging with your pins, and visiting your website. 

Leveraging Keywords for Pinterest SEO

Keywords are like signposts on Pinterest, helping people find what they want. They’re super important because they connect your content with users who are interested in it.

To find the right keywords, list words people would type when searching. For instance, if you’re sharing cake recipes, words like “chocolate cake,” “easy baking,” or “dessert ideas” would be a good start.

Pinterest’s search bar is like a treasure chest of ideas. Type in a word and see what comes up – these are the words people seek. Be sure to incorporate those keywords in your pin’s description, the title of your board, and even your profile. This helps your pins show up when people search. More searches mean more chances for people to see your pins.

Using pins to drive traffic to your website

Pins aren’t just pretty pictures. They’re your ticket to bringing more visitors to your website. 

Here’s how to make them work their magic. 

  • Pin with purpose: When creating pins, consider where you want people to go next. If you’re sharing a recipe, make sure the pin clicks through to a page with that recipe. It’s like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for them to follow. 
  • Landing pages that wow: Picture this: someone clicks on your pin, and they’re excited to see more. Your landing page should be like a warm welcome, giving them exactly what they came for. If it’s a recipe pin, the landing page should have the full recipe, with some extra tips or stories.
  • Keep track of your pins’ performance: Check your data to see how many people click through your pins. This helps you understand what’s popular and what might need a little boost. 

Ready to Unlock Pinterest’s Full Potential?

If you’re looking to harness the true power of Pinterest for driving traffic and generating leads, we’re here to help. 

We specialize in crafting tailored Pinterest marketing strategies that align with your brand and goals. From pin creation to board creation and tracking, we’ve got you covered.

Use Pinterest to Generate Website Traffic and Leads

Use Pinterest to Generate Website Traffic and LeadsUse Pinterest to Generate Website Traffic and Leads

Pinterest and Tailwind Blog

Pinterest is one of those tools to build that website traffic, and a lot of people think of it as maybe not a tool that’s right for their business. Often, they think it’s just for recipes or interior design, which yes, it is used for that, but think of Pinterest as a visual search engine.

If your target audience is mostly women 35 to 65, Pinterest’s demographics are your target market! It’s time to see how you can use Pinterest to grow your business!

Pinterest for business

Pinterest is a great tool to use to get people to your website. And you think about when they go to Google what are they typing in? Especially moms, they’re going to Pinterest and they’re searching for different things.

I want to show you what a Pinterest business account looks like, and a tool that we use to manage our Pinterest. It’s really important to have that consistency and that strategy behind, “What are you pinning?” And so, this is where that digital marketing strategy that we’re always talking about comes into play.

Looking at what blogs are you writing. If you’re writing one blog per week or maybe two blogs per month, and they are the longer cornerstone blogs, each blog can have four to six images for that one blog, and you can pin those to Pinterest with links back to your website.

Difference between a personal and business account

Let me just dive in and show you a little bit about Pinterest. If you go sign up and create a Pinterest account, it will ask you if you’re business or personal.

Here we have our Social Speak Pinterest account, and this is the business account. I wanted to show you our profile.

Get access to the analytics dashboard

How you know that it’s a business account is because it will have analytics here. We have a little over 170,000 monthly viewers, which is pretty good for us. We really have worked hard on building our Pinterest account probably about the last year and a half.

We didn’t really take it too seriously before and now we’re seeing that traffic to the website really increase from what we’re putting on Pinterest. That’s a really good thing.

Set up an account with your business name

With a business account, you can set up your account with your business name. Here, we also have our logo. You can change your header images to a different static image. I always have the latest pins for our Social Speak board.

You could have in here a link to your website, a little bit about who you are and what you guys do, and then the most important thing is your boards.

Getting Started: Pinterest Basics

Create a board

You want to think of your boards as those keyword phrases. When you’re putting together your boards, it’s important to look at what are those key topics that you want to be talking about? So, you can have as many boards as you want. I always recommend starting with between five and seven, because you don’t want to be so overwhelmed. But as you continue to grow you’ll always be adding a new board, and so that’s okay, too.

We have different boards for different things, and these can be very specific. Obviously, content marketing strategy is our number one board with almost 800 pins. That and the health care digital marketing tips, those are our two main focuses.

It’s important to make sure that when you are creating a board that you are filling out the description. You want to make sure that you have the title of the board, the description of the board – fill out those blanks that Pinterest provides you. If people search for content marketing tips, then you are more likely to be able to show up here.  That’s how that works.

Find and pin content

Now what I like to do is I like to follow certain brands and companies. For example, I really like CoSchedule. They put out some great content. We also utilize Sprout Social. They put out great content.

You can go-to activity and see what pins they have, the latest pins they’ve had. And then, you can either save them to the board that you want, or you can go into Tailwind, which I will get to in just a second.

I like to make sure that you know which brands you want to follow so you can re-pin from them. I love the image, and I think the content’s great. I’ll just click onto that image and look at the website, make sure that it’s something that I want our audience to click through to.

Track your performance to see what works

The most important thing is going to your Analytics. And again, this is just something to look at on a monthly basis. I always go to the overview, and then I look at the impressions, the total audience, the engagement. Any time this number is up, that’s a good thing.

In the past 30 days, we’ve had over 200,000 impressions which is up 36% from last month. We had 178,000 total audience engagement.

The number of engagements on your pins includes saves, close-ups. People that had either clicked onto one of the pins we put up, re-pinned them or liked them. And then your engaged audience is the number of people who had engaged with your pin directly. Meaning that they had liked it, or they had re-pinned it.

You can go down here and look at your top boards, and then you can also look at your top pins. So, we’re seeing that people looking for YouTube sizes  and “Seven easiest ways to create Instagram content.” These are our top two pins that we had re-pinned, and people are finding them on our account and re-pinning them.

It’s good to really look at what content is working, so then you can make sure that you are utilizing that data to put more of that content out.

Why you should use Tailwind for Pinterest

Pinterest Automation

Pinterest can be sometimes a little bit of a time consumer. What we’ve used is this app called Tailwind.

Tailwind actually connects to your Pinterest and your Instagram. This is a paid program. It’s only $14.99 a month, I highly recommend it because this allows you to schedule pins out.

What this allows me to do is schedule all of my Pinterest posts for the month if I want to. I’ll just click on a pin, then hit Add to Queue, and it’s going to automatically put it into my queue where it feels it needs to go.

Post inspector

What’s really cool about this, when you are on Pinterest and you click just onto the Home button, it doesn’t tell you how many times this pin had been re-pinned, but on Tailwind it does. So this has been re-pinned 115 times. And again, sometimes things will come up that are not aligned with your business, and that’s okay. You just scroll past them, but you can look to see which ones are getting more pins.

For example, I click on Instagram Strategy. Tailwind shows that this was re-pinned 341 times, and it’ll tell you that it’s 299 times on Pinterest and 42 times on Facebook.

Smart Schedule

With Tailwind, it organizes your posts based on when your audience is on Pinterest, and when you are getting the most engagement. That’s the one thing I love about Tailwind is it’s easy to be able to find that content. You can see the source right here. You can pick as many boards as you want, and then if you don’t like the content, if you don’t like those posts, you would just click More Suggestions, and more suggestions will come up.

Tailwind just helps keep everything organized. And that’s what I really like because it saves you time and it gives you the post that you’re looking for, it gives you the data on what the popularity is, and it also just helps with the Auto-Schedule.

Smart Loop

The other thing you can do with Tailwind is what’s called a smart loop. Now, this is great for your blog posts that are your cornerstone blogs, meaning those are 2000 plus blogs.

We’ve already used our 250 smart loops and what that means is it will pull all of these blogs that we’ve done from a year, two years, three years ago, and it’s going to keep populating them. So it will automatically schedule those out into our plan, and because I’ve said I want these blogs to be scheduled to these certain boards, it will do that.

Schedule Instagram videos

I highly recommend utilizing Pinterest and Tailwind together, you can get the most benefit out of your Pinterest account. You could also publish videos on here as well, that’s a great tool because videos are awesome on Pinterest, and it’s just a great way to really monitor what’s working.


On your Google Analytics, you would be able to tell how many people have come to your website from Pinterest. That’s a great way to monitor those analytics.

Is your social media marketing strategy sorted out?

If you need help with creating this strategy for your Pinterest account and utilizing Tailwind and just elevating your digital marketing strategy as a whole, we do offer a free 30-minute consultation. That allows us to get to know what your goals are, what are you struggling with, and what are you wanting to accomplish with your digital marketing. And then we can put up a plan together moving forward from there.

We also just launched our online VIP community, and that’s a monthly membership that allows you to see different handouts, tutorials, trainings on all different things in digital marketing. It’s a great starting point if you are wanting to do things on your own. If you really need help with that next step with your digital marketing strategy, go to and click on the “Contact Us” button for a free 30-minute consultation. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Pinterest and Tailwind Blog


What’s so special about your Pinterest business account, you ask??? Well, first of all, you can get access to some AWESOME analytics! The Pinterest analytics show so many things, from how many daily viewers you are getting to impressions, engagement, most popular posts and more! They give you so much data, that this is a great tool to really find out who your target market really is. Is this video we will just go over how to check your analytics and what each area really means.


Pinterest for Business:

There are over 100 million active Pinterest users across the globe. Pinterest is slowly becoming the most useful social e-commerce tool there is! With its creative outlay and design, Pinterest makes it easy for businesses to take advantage of the social media platform and for businesses to expand their reach around the world, learn how your business can do this too!

In this webinar, you will learn how to effectively utilize Pinterest for Business including:

  • What makes Pinterest so unique
  • The advantage of a Pinterest Business account
  • How your business can be successful on Pinterest
  • The most effective ways for your business to be relatable
  • And more!

Join Amber Irwin on July 26th 3:30pm MST Sign Up TODAY!

July 26, 2016
Free Webinar – RSVP for Details
3:30-4:15pm MST
 Anyone with a computer and internet connection has the ability to manage a social media account. When done right, businesses can see huge boosts in brand recognition and sales. If managed poorly, social media can be the downfall of your business.

The BIMS Team prides itself on keeping on top of the best practices of digital marketing and Caitlin is excited to empower you to feel confident in using Instagram for marketing your business!


Did you know that there are over 70 million Pinterest users worldwide? After Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest is the 3rd most popular social networking site. The question is, what makes Pinterest stand out among the rest? How can it be beneficial to your business? If you don’t already know the ins-and-outs of using Pinterest for your business, now is a good time to get on board!

What makes Pinterest so special is that it is so new(only 4 years old!), easy to use, and generates more traffic than most other social media sites. Along with that, there is an endless amount of opportunities and marketing strategies available through Pinterest. Here are some tips on how to get started with strengthening your businesses through Pinterest!

  1. Create A Strong Business Profile: Taking time to set up your account properly is the first step to success. By accessing, you can find all the resources you need including Pin it buttons for your website, follow buttons, tools, and a Pinterest for Business Guide. It is important to be aware of what’s happening in order to establish an active profile. Keep track of who is searching your brand name, product names, and who is pinning your pins. Actively commenting on pins where you brand is mentioned is also extremely beneficial to creating a strong and active presence to your audience. It isn’t the amount of content you have that strengthens your profile, but more the quality of attention you pay to the consumer you are reaching out to.
  2. Create Boards to Represent Your Business:  Once you’ve set everything up, it’s time to create your Pinterest boards! Promote your products and services in fun, intriguing ways that makes it easy for the audience to grasp. You can do this by posting interesting facts about your business, photos relevant to your industry, and showcase your previous work to give your audience an overview of your business. Become a go-to source for information by providing infographics, training videos, tutorials, and tips from your own business as well as others. Creating boards with an ideal client in mind with easily accessible information is a crucial step to using Pinterest to help your business thrive.
  3. Use Various Tools Offered: There is a wide range of tools to use for Pinterest that can be found at the Goodies Page including Canva, PicMonkey, and Pixir(to name a few). Canva is a Graphic Design Tool that simplifies the image creating process. Canva has a variety of templates that are made specifically for Pinterest, and overall helps strengthen the images you promote through your business. PicMonkey is a photo-editor that is fun and easy for every to use. Pictures make up most of what Pinterest is, so it is important to make sure your images catch the eye of the consumer. Pixir is another extremely useful tool available for Pinterest. It is a photo editor, a screen grabber browser extension, and a photo sharing service. Taking advantage of the variety of tools available for Pinterest is a key step in strengthening your business.