If your not sure exactly how to use Pinterest for your business, check out these quick tips to get started!

First off, make sure you are using the Pinterest business account (you can easily convert your account if you need too). Promote your products using a theme. Think of something that can be categorized, weather its colors, designs, materials, ingredients, or whatever is relevant to your company. For example, say you own a furniture store. You could create different boards around the colors of different rooms. The goal is to make your boards visually appealing. Make sure to label your boards creatively, while also calling attention to the organization. This will also help your search engine optimization, If you organize by colors, make sure to put that keyword (color) in the board title, board description, and pin description. Emphasize your most popular products. Create a popular products board to show your audience what is selling! Pin the images and be sure to include a description of the product. You should also add the price! Tell users how they can get the product. Be sure to link the image back to your company website, or include directions in the description of how to get in touch with you. Keep the board updated and current. Remove products that have fallen in rank or are no longer available. Do your research. Check out the Pinterest boards of big companies in your industry to get ideas. Invite people to pin on your boards, and do your best to gain an audience. Be sure to specify the category of your board under the “edit board” option.

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