Pinterest is a visual social network, so you might think that SEO doesn’t play much of a role here. I mean, nobody actually comes to Pinterest to search for content, right? After all, pinning stuff is what Pinterest is all about! But it turns out that Pinterest has a lot of SEO potential.
In fact, Pinterest users love to share links! When creating compelling boards and pinning tons of great stuff, you’re also sending traffic to your website.
Tons of businesses use Pinterest to drive more traffic to their website, but it’s not just about pinning pretty pictures. If you want your Pinterest pins to rank well in search engines, you need to make sure you’re doing SEO correctly.
So how can you use Pinterest for SEO? Read on!
Do keyword research to give you an idea of what users are looking for
Using the right keywords can help your content reach the right people. So before you get started, it is essential to do keyword research. Create a list of the top keywords in your niche, and use them to inspire your content calendar.
Recipes are a huge hit on Pinterest. Let’s say you’re a nutritionist or a blogger who focuses on healthy living. You might want to create recipes related to the keywords you found.
If you’re a fashion blogger or a clothing retailer, take note of the keywords related to your niche and then create different boards and pins for each season.
Optimize your Pinterest boards
You can optimize your boards by making sure they’re relevant to your blog content or business. So that when someone searches a particular topic, they will find you.
When optimizing your boards, be sure to use keywords that people would search for to find the pins associated with them. Also, make sure you have at least three boards with lots of pins on them. The more boards you have, the more traffic you will get from Pinterest.
Write thoughtful pin descriptions
Including detailed descriptions can help your pins perform better. This, in turn, can help improve your reach and improve your pins’ SEO rankings.
If your Pinterest content isn’t optimized for pinner’s searches, then you’re missing out. You have 500 characters for your descriptions, so make the most out of it. Provide some helpful information about your pin. Give your audience a preview of what they’ll get from your content: what they’ll learn, how it would benefit them, and a call to action. These small bits of information may be just what they need to click through to your site.
If possible, include long-tail keywords in your description. They perform better than single or 2-word keywords since they describe what people are looking for. Just be careful not to overdo it. Google hates it when you stuff keywords into your descriptions, and you’ll likely be penalized for it in search engine rankings.
Use keywords as hashtags
Even though hashtags are optional on Pinterest, they are still considered beneficial. For one, they help users quickly find the content they are looking for. Plus, it helps you quickly get your pins to the top of the search results page.
Only include relevant words and phrases that describe the content in the pin. Avoid using popular but irrelevant hashtags to get people’s attention.
While Pinterest allows users to use more than 20 hashtags per pin, we advise that you limit your hashtags between 2 and 8. Having too many hashtags will make your pins look spammy.
Optimize your website for Pinterest SEO
Linking your website to your Pinterest account is an excellent step towards a better SEO performance.
You can use Pinterest tags to determine what types of Pinterest content deliver the most traffic to your website and what kind of content isn’t working. Plus, it gives you an idea of what people are doing on your website after interacting with your pins. The data is collected and sent back to your Pinterest account, so you can use it to adjust your strategy accordingly.
It’s also a good idea to add share buttons to your product pages. This allows visitors to pin items from your website to their boards.
Final thoughts
Pinterest is a great way to connect with your target audience. It’s visual and social, so it lends itself well to highlighting your content or promoting your products. Whether you’re a blogger, an artist, or a retailer, you can use the platform to drive traffic back to your website and gain followers in the process.
Pinterest may seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll realize that it’s easy to navigate. If you need help with Pinterest marketing, please schedule a free 30-minute consultation call with us. We’ll help you leverage Pinterest SEO to ensure your pins are getting maximum results. Angeles-Timbol Angeles-Timbol2022-02-02 10:19:032022-01-28 10:37:59Pinterest SEO: 5 Tips to Make Pinterest Work For You
Pinterest is one of those tools to build that website traffic, and a lot of people think of it as maybe not a tool that’s right for their business. Often, they think it’s just for recipes or interior design, which yes, it is used for that, but think of Pinterest as a visual search engine.
If your target audience is mostly women 35 to 65, Pinterest’s demographics are your target market! It’s time to see how you can use Pinterest to grow your business!
Pinterest for business
Pinterest is a great tool to use to get people to your website. And you think about when they go to Google what are they typing in? Especially moms, they’re going to Pinterest and they’re searching for different things.
I want to show you what a Pinterest business account looks like, and a tool that we use to manage our Pinterest. It’s really important to have that consistency and that strategy behind, “What are you pinning?” And so, this is where that digital marketing strategy that we’re always talking about comes into play.
Looking at what blogs are you writing. If you’re writing one blog per week or maybe two blogs per month, and they are the longer cornerstone blogs, each blog can have four to six images for that one blog, and you can pin those to Pinterest with links back to your website.
Difference between a personal and business account
Let me just dive in and show you a little bit about Pinterest. If you go sign up and create a Pinterest account, it will ask you if you’re business or personal.
Here we have our Social Speak Pinterest account, and this is the business account. I wanted to show you our profile.
Get access to the analytics dashboard
How you know that it’s a business account is because it will have analytics here. We have a little over 170,000 monthly viewers, which is pretty good for us. We really have worked hard on building our Pinterest account probably about the last year and a half.
We didn’t really take it too seriously before and now we’re seeing that traffic to the website really increase from what we’re putting on Pinterest. That’s a really good thing.
Set up an account with your business name
With a business account, you can set up your account with your business name. Here, we also have our logo. You can change your header images to a different static image. I always have the latest pins for our Social Speak board.
You could have in here a link to your website, a little bit about who you are and what you guys do, and then the most important thing is your boards.
Getting Started: Pinterest Basics
Create a board
You want to think of your boards as those keyword phrases. When you’re putting together your boards, it’s important to look at what are those key topics that you want to be talking about? So, you can have as many boards as you want. I always recommend starting with between five and seven, because you don’t want to be so overwhelmed. But as you continue to grow you’ll always be adding a new board, and so that’s okay, too.
We have different boards for different things, and these can be very specific. Obviously, content marketing strategy is our number one board with almost 800 pins. That and the health care digital marketing tips, those are our two main focuses.
It’s important to make sure that when you are creating a board that you are filling out the description. You want to make sure that you have the title of the board, the description of the board – fill out those blanks that Pinterest provides you. If people search for content marketing tips, then you are more likely to be able to show up here. That’s how that works.
Find and pin content
Now what I like to do is I like to follow certain brands and companies. For example, I really like CoSchedule. They put out some great content. We also utilize Sprout Social. They put out great content.
You can go-to activity and see what pins they have, the latest pins they’ve had. And then, you can either save them to the board that you want, or you can go into Tailwind, which I will get to in just a second.
I like to make sure that you know which brands you want to follow so you can re-pin from them. I love the image, and I think the content’s great. I’ll just click onto that image and look at the website, make sure that it’s something that I want our audience to click through to.
Track your performance to see what works
The most important thing is going to your Analytics. And again, this is just something to look at on a monthly basis. I always go to the overview, and then I look at the impressions, the total audience, the engagement. Any time this number is up, that’s a good thing.
In the past 30 days, we’ve had over 200,000 impressions which is up 36% from last month. We had 178,000 total audience engagement.
The number of engagements on your pins includes saves, close-ups. People that had either clicked onto one of the pins we put up, re-pinned them or liked them. And then your engaged audience is the number of people who had engaged with your pin directly. Meaning that they had liked it, or they had re-pinned it.
You can go down here and look at your top boards, and then you can also look at your top pins. So, we’re seeing that people looking for YouTube sizes and “Seven easiest ways to create Instagram content.” These are our top two pins that we had re-pinned, and people are finding them on our account and re-pinning them.
It’s good to really look at what content is working, so then you can make sure that you are utilizing that data to put more of that content out.
Why you should use Tailwind for Pinterest
Pinterest Automation
Pinterest can be sometimes a little bit of a time consumer. What we’ve used is this app called Tailwind.
Tailwind actually connects to your Pinterest and your Instagram. This is a paid program. It’s only $14.99 a month, I highly recommend it because this allows you to schedule pins out.
What this allows me to do is schedule all of my Pinterest posts for the month if I want to. I’ll just click on a pin, then hit Add to Queue, and it’s going to automatically put it into my queue where it feels it needs to go.
Post inspector
What’s really cool about this, when you are on Pinterest and you click just onto the Home button, it doesn’t tell you how many times this pin had been re-pinned, but on Tailwind it does. So this has been re-pinned 115 times. And again, sometimes things will come up that are not aligned with your business, and that’s okay. You just scroll past them, but you can look to see which ones are getting more pins.
For example, I click on Instagram Strategy. Tailwind shows that this was re-pinned 341 times, and it’ll tell you that it’s 299 times on Pinterest and 42 times on Facebook.
Smart Schedule
With Tailwind, it organizes your posts based on when your audience is on Pinterest, and when you are getting the most engagement. That’s the one thing I love about Tailwind is it’s easy to be able to find that content. You can see the source right here. You can pick as many boards as you want, and then if you don’t like the content, if you don’t like those posts, you would just click More Suggestions, and more suggestions will come up.
Tailwind just helps keep everything organized. And that’s what I really like because it saves you time and it gives you the post that you’re looking for, it gives you the data on what the popularity is, and it also just helps with the Auto-Schedule.
Smart Loop
The other thing you can do with Tailwind is what’s called a smart loop. Now, this is great for your blog posts that are your cornerstone blogs, meaning those are 2000 plus blogs.
We’ve already used our 250 smart loops and what that means is it will pull all of these blogs that we’ve done from a year, two years, three years ago, and it’s going to keep populating them. So it will automatically schedule those out into our plan, and because I’ve said I want these blogs to be scheduled to these certain boards, it will do that.
Schedule Instagram videos
I highly recommend utilizing Pinterest and Tailwind together, you can get the most benefit out of your Pinterest account. You could also publish videos on here as well, that’s a great tool because videos are awesome on Pinterest, and it’s just a great way to really monitor what’s working.
On your Google Analytics, you would be able to tell how many people have come to your website from Pinterest. That’s a great way to monitor those analytics.
Is your social media marketing strategy sorted out?
If you need help with creating this strategy for your Pinterest account and utilizing Tailwind and just elevating your digital marketing strategy as a whole, we do offer a free 30-minute consultation. That allows us to get to know what your goals are, what are you struggling with, and what are you wanting to accomplish with your digital marketing. And then we can put up a plan together moving forward from there.
We also just launched our online VIP community, and that’s a monthly membership that allows you to see different handouts, tutorials, trainings on all different things in digital marketing. It’s a great starting point if you are wanting to do things on your own. If you really need help with that next step with your digital marketing strategy, go to and click on the “Contact Us” button for a free 30-minute consultation. If you have any questions, please let us know. Irwin Irwin2020-06-03 10:57:462020-06-04 18:19:29Pinterest and Tailwind Blog
What’s so special about your Pinterest business account, you ask??? Well, first of all, you can get access to some AWESOME analytics! The Pinterest analytics show so many things, from how many daily viewers you are getting to impressions, engagement, most popular posts and more! They give you so much data, that this is a great tool to really find out who your target market really is. Is this video we will just go over how to check your analytics and what each area really means.
Pinterest, just like any other network, requires care, commitment, and attention to detail when it comes to implementing your strategy and measuring your results. In today’s blog and this week’s Growth Prompt, we are building your Pinterest Strategy and Setting Goals for measuring your success.
Earlier in the month we’ve explored the in’s and out’s of what Pinterest is, as well as, how to create images, manage your boards, etc, but today we are taking that deeper dive into the strategies to use to optimize Pinterest for your business.
In addition to the information provided in this blog post, be sure to download this week’s growth prompt HERE. This PDF includes space for you to create your Pinterest Strategy and to Establish your Goals on Pinterest.
On Pinterest in particular, it is of utmost importance to be consistent with your pinning. Why? Pinterest will show your followers a collection of recent and popular pins when they sign onto Pinterest. Imagine that none of your pins appear for days and then all of a sudden 10 branded images pop up at once.
First, the person isn’t going to know who you are and second, they are going to feel like you are spamming their Pinterest feed.
Rather than only signing on one time per month, instead we recommend trying to have a consistent flow of pins to your boards that consist of both your pins and those of other people.
To build Consistency into your Pinterest Strategy, you want to make sure that you have a clear understanding of:
When you can pin (ie, can you only commit to pinning on your computer at 10pm while watching Netflix or can you carve out time during the day)?
If you would benefit from a 3rd party application to pin and repin on your behalf?
3rd Party Apps to Help Manage Pinterest
Yes! These apps do exist and there are 2 in particular I recommend utilizing.
The first, Tailwind*, has a robust pin-scheduling tool for your own pins and allows your to set schedules to pull from other pins, as well. Tailwind also includes Tribes, which are groups of people who have agreed to share each others pins on a specific topic.
Personally, I utilize Boardbooster* for my Pinterest management. With Boardbooster, you create Secret Boards and pin images to these boards rather than your public boards. In boardbooster, you then create a schedule for how many pins you would like to move from the secret board to your public board and what time of day you want these pins to be published. Boardbooster also has a looping function to repin old pins from your boards at a set schedule.
One downside of Boardbooster is that you can’t really visualize the order of publishing your pins, so let’s say you make 3 images for a blog post, when you pin them to your secret board, you also need to pin other images.
I love boardbooster, however, because I can spend one movie just pinning other images to my secret boards and not worry about Pinterest for a month.
Step 2: Create Multiple Pins for your Blogs.
Rather than just creating one pinnable image for your blog post, change the design and wording slightly so you have 3-4 images for each blog post. This especially works well if your blogs are 1000+ words long as you can create a pin for each topic you cover.
To manage this, I recommend creating a few layouts and templates in Canva that you can just swap out words and images. Then, as mentioned before, rather than pinning all the images at once, add them to your secret boards (if you use Boardbooster) with other images between and try to space out their publishing dates (or at least times).
You’ll also want to make sure the images are rotated into a board specifically for your brand and website. I recommend calling this board “From the XYZ Blog” or “Company Name Pins” – just something that makes it very clear that these pins are only from your website. Put this board at the top of your Pinterest boards as a featured board and you are good to go!
So, how do you incorporate multiple pins in a blog post without being overwhelming? Get your hands dirty with HTML and you’ll be good to go! 🙂
I recommend the following process for adding multiple pins to your blog post:
Create images and name them with your blog topic then upload the images all at once to the end of your blog post.
When you upload the images, add individual ‘alt tags’ to them with the following formula: BLOG/PIN TOPIC, keyword 1, keyword 2, #firsthashtag, #secondhashtag, keyword phrase 3, #thirdhashtag
Drag and drop or copy and paste images to where they fit in the content (for example, if you have one topic at the start of the blog and it flows into another topic, you may want to include one pin that includes language from each of these sections rather than using the same language on every pin.
With the remaining images that are at the end of the blog, you will now want to HIDE them!
Just into the HTML for the blog post (in WordPress this is the Text tab above the content editor) and scroll down in the text editor to the end of the post. You should see the html code for the images here. This looks like: <img src=”URL” alt=”info you added to the alt tags”/>
Directly before the first image you want to hide, add the text: <div style=”display:none;”>
At the very end of the post after the last image you want to hide, add: </div>
Click save and you are all set!
Step 3: Incorporate Pins from other Websites.
The last core piece of your Pinterest strategy is to include the Pins of other accounts and to pin images directly from other websites.
When you pin from other accounts, be sure you are looking to find popular RICH pins that include keywords in their descriptions and are frequently repinned. Typically, when you search for a topic, these pins will appear first in the search results.
Why do you want to only repin rich pins? These are often shared more frequently and if your account is posting pins that are shared frequently, you will tend to show up more frequently in Pin search results.
You also want to pin images directly from different websites because then you have the added benefit of having your profile link appear alongside the pin rather than only appearing when someone clicks to expand the pin!
Part 2: Setting your Pinterest Goals
There typically are two main goals businesses set for Pinterest. The first is much easier to accomplish than the second, but both simply require that you are consistently active on Pinterest.
Goal 1: Gaining Name Recognition and Exposure.
Gaining name recognition and exposure is a great goal for Pinterest and is actually fairly easy to accomplish!
With my Pinterest account, I was able to grow from 100 followers to 60,000 pin views in a matter of 3 months. How? I wrote blogs and used Boardbooster to consistently pin new images, my images, and repin for me while I worked on other aspects of the business.
You can do this too, if you follow the strategy steps outlined above.
Goal 2: Growing Traffic to Website.
Though to reach the first goal of gaining exposure doesn’t necessarily require you to blog, growing the traffic to your site ABSOLUTELY requires that you blog for your business! This makes attaining this goal a little more difficult as you need to build time in your schedule to blog and create pinnable images.
Once you create your schedule for writing blogs and the images, then, as long as you are using keywords in your descriptions, sharing the pin to group boards, and testing out different pin designs, you can be fairly certain people will click through to your site.
Final Thoughts: Freebies
So, as I wrap up, there is also the important notion to remember about what to do once people get to your site!
I always recommend including Content Upgrades in your content as a way to capture the names and email addresses of those who click through the site. This means in addition to creating the blog post and images, also creating a download and a form to add even more information to your post. Once someone signs up to download the form, you ‘own’ their email address and can send them weekly tips and news to continue helping them on their educational journey in your industry!
We’ll be doing an entire section on the ins and outs of Content Upgrades (Freebies) and Welcome Series, so stay tuned! McDonald McDonald2018-02-26 23:03:032018-02-26 23:27:55Setting your Pinterest Strategy and Tracking your Success
Infographics are a HUGE part of Pinterest and those who love Pinterest absolutely adore infographics. Infographics are an easy way to consume and learn new information. A good infographic can take you step by step through a message with lots of visual content and a minimal amount of text.
In this video tutorial, you will learn how to quickly and easily design infographics by using Canva.
Did you know? Pinterest is the 3rd most popular social network and it has become a huge search engine! People turn to Pinterest on the daily to: shop, find information, ideas, educate themselves, organize themselves and so much more. Once you get to know Pinterest and all that it can provide for you, the love affair begins 😉
To make sure your brand’s content hits the ground running, there are some basics you need to have in place, especially when it comes to graphics. Pinterest is a highly visual platform. Understanding the best graphics to use on the site is key to making your account perform its best.
We want to make sure you and your brand look your best on Pinterest, so, we put together this helpful 2018 Pinterest Image Size guide. Download it, print it out, and keep it handy so you can have these image sizes available at-a-glance! Download the guide HERE.
Part of being successful on Pinterest requires your ability to be found! That’s where hashtags (#) come into play. Once you have an understanding of how to utilize hashtags, you will notice an increase in your Pinterest traffic.
Hashtag Know How!
Here are 3 strategies you can use to get your hashtag game in place for your brand
Know the number of hashtags you can use one 1 pin. A recommended rule of thumb is to use no more than 20 hashtags per pin.
Always use hashtags on the pins you post. When people search hashtags in the search bar, Pinterest will compile the latest pins chronologically, placing the newest pins at the top of the list. That’s where you want your pins to live.
Organize a list of hashtags for your brand. Categorize you hashtags into 3 buckets:
Branded Hashtags: a list of hashtags that only relate to and describe your brand
Trending Hashtags: a list of trending (popular) hashtags on the topics you post about (these hashtags will frequently change based on the topic and current trends you are posting about)
Content Related: a list of content related hashtags to use in order to describe the post you are pinning
Best Practices When Selecting Hashtags:
Avoid using very broad hashtags, be more specific and try to think like your audience. What hashtags would they use to find your pin?
Don’t be afraid to use hashtag phrases if they help to define your audience even better. For example, we may use a hashtag phrase like #SocialMediaTraining as a hashtag to reach our audience.
Do some research! When adding a hashtag to a pin on Pinterest, Pinterest will populate a list of suggested hashtags. Next the hashtag, you will see how many pins are using the hashtag you are considering. If the number is HUGE, your pin may get lost in the shuffle. Try to determine how you can make your pin more niche with a more specific hashtag or hashtag phrase.
When working with Pinterest, our best advice is for you to get started, have fun, and experiment with different ideas, strategies, and tactics. Happy pinning! McDonald McDonald2018-02-12 17:28:022018-02-26 23:28:14New to Pinterest? Get The Skinny On The Best Graphic Sizes and Hashtags To Use On Pinterest
Pinterest is growing so much and is really used for a search engine rather than a social media platform. People go to Pinterest to find ideas, products, inspiration and much more! So, why shouldn’t they be able to find your business as well? In this video below you will learn how to create a business account on Pinterest OR switch your personal profile to a business account.
Here are a few key points you want to remember while creating your account:
* Use keywords in your board titles and descriptions
* Use #Hashtags in your Pin descriptions
* Create boards your target audience would be looking for
* Verify your website
* Add the Pinterest icon to your toolbar Irwin Irwin2018-02-07 16:45:262018-02-07 22:30:26Pinterest for Your Business
Savvy small business owners have long discovered the benefits of social media. In the hopes of maintaining an online presence, they have created an account in virtually every social platform there is. Now, the thought of using yet another social network seems time consuming and daunting. But if you want to make your company’s presence felt, then you need to stay up-to-date on the world of social media.
There are a number of reasons why small business owners should be interested in Pinterest. Here are some of them.
A whole new audience
Today, there are only 500,000 business accounts on Pinterest as compared to 25 million business pages in Facebook. If you already have a Facebook page and you want to extend your reach to a whole new audience, Pinterest can help you with that.
Since users only see posts that are focused on the categories that they’re interested in, there’s a good chance that your audience in Pinterest aren’t the same people who are following you on Facebook or Twitter.
Drive traffic to your website
Recent study shows that Pinterest is more effective in driving website traffic as compared to Google +, Youtube and Twitter combined. It is a great tool for increasing links back to your site. If you rely on your website to fuel sales and marketing, then you should include Pinterest in your marketing plan.
It’s a great spot to advertise
Businesses from all over the world are using Pinterest to market their products and services. Since Pinterest is such a viral, sharing community, this is also a great place to promote special deals and discounts. The key is to create a visually appealing image. Pin a colourful and chic-looking coupon, and include details on the caption. The more captivating your pin is, the more likely will it appeal to your audience.
It is growing
Pinterest is becoming more and more popular. In fact, the photo and video sharing site has more than 25 million members and gets 2.5 billion page views every month. It wouldn’t hurt to jump on the bandwagon.
Caitlin McDonald McDonald2016-04-05 09:23:502018-04-07 20:51:35The Power of Pinterest for Small Businesses
With over 70 million users, Pinterest is considered as one of the fastest growing social networking sites. Armed with that information, it is safe to say that Pinterest is just as important as Twitter and Facebook when using social media to reach your target market.
Since Pinterest is all about graphic images, your goal is to create visual images that your customers would enjoy. The more appealing an image is, the more likely it is to generate attention.
So, how can you use Pinterest to attract and engage customers? Here are some tips to get you started.
Build boards around your products
If you own a restaurant, there’s no better way to attract new customers by showing off your dishes. Be sure to create a collection of boards for each of your specialties. After all, food is the main attraction of your restaurant. So, focus on your menu.
Become an information curator
As an online curator, your job is to gather and organize all the best images related to your topic and present them to your virtual audience. When done the right way, people will see you as an industry expert and will eventually consider you as a go-to source for cool images and content.
Add compelling descriptions
If your goal is to capture the attention of customers, you shouldn’t stop at creating visually compelling content. Adding a description is just as important.
Since you’re using SEO to promote your site, why not use it as well to promote your Pinterest page. Use keywords in your titles, tags and pin boards. This is important as it makes it easier for people to find your content.
Engage with other users
The whole point of social networking is socializing. So, engage with customers, strategic partners and industry vendors by tagging them in your descriptions. Another way to interact with other users is to like their pins. This can be a way of telling them that you appreciate their content. Plus, it can help you build a following and convert fans into buyers.
Caitlin McDonald McDonald2015-04-14 23:31:422015-04-14 23:31:42How to Use Pinterest to Attract Customers
Social media platforms have been the go-to business strategy for sharing content over the past couple of years. Recently, the main focus has shifted more towards visual content, which is why Pinterest has been on the rise for businesses. Pinterest has grown immensely over the past few years, with the latest statistics revealing that 70 million people use it daily, while 9% of all Fortune 500 brands are active on the platform as well.
Now is the time to get your business on board with Pinterest! Here is a variety of ways to help maximize your efforts:
1. Using Rich Pins
Rich pins are a new edition to Pinterest that add extra details to Pins from your website. There are six types are rich pins which include app, movie, recipe, article, product, and place. There are many advantages to using Rich Pins including real-time pricing and stock availability. They also help improve CTR and discoverability of pins by making them eligible for Pinterest’s own curated feeds.
2. Focus on Pinning
Pin every new product, engage frequently, and keep it fresh. Knowing what types of images work best on Pinterest is extremely important. There are many tips and tricks to making your images high-quality and pinnable. Using colors wisely, keeping your mages anonymous, paying attention to size, timing, and your analytics through various Pinterest tools will ensure that you’re grasping your consumer’s attention and using Pinterest to the best of your ability.
3. Inspire
Rather than just creating boards that promote your product, create them around a particular lifestyle that appeals to your audience. Understanding your customer, knowing what they seek for, and exerting that through a Pinterest lifestyle board will help keep them interested and inspired by your brand. Many major brands use this strategy to promote what they stand for and to reach out to their consumer.
4. Running Contests
Increasing engagement is important on every social media platform, but not too many people use it to their advantage on Pinterest(and they should!). If done properly through following the Pinterest contest guidelines, contests can drive sales and help reach a wider audience. Be creative, make it worth it for your consumer, and look to other brands for contest ideas. Also, there are a variety of apps that can help organize your contest and host it on your site including, Wishpond, and Woobox.
Caitlin McDonald McDonald2015-03-30 13:10:492018-04-07 20:55:53Pinterest Tips to Help Strengthen Your Business