Entries by Kathlyn Angeles-Timbol


The Power of Storytelling in Content Marketing: How to Engage and Connect with Your Audience

Have you ever seen a brand campaign that’s so interesting it captured your attention and didn’t feel like an ad at all? It got you hooked from the beginning, leaving you enthralled until you realized they were selling something.  That, my friends, is the power of storytelling in marketing.  In today’s fast-paced digital world, consumers […]

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How to Develop and Maintain a Stress-Free Content Calendar for Busy Business Owners

Picture this: you’re a busy business owner, wearing multiple hats daily. From managing your business duties to taking care of your family and handling household chores, your plate is already overflowing.  On top of all that, you need to create engaging content to fuel your business’s growth consistently. It feels like an uphill battle, doesn’t […]


5 Reasons Why Healthcare Professionals Should Embrace Video Marketing

Video isn’t usually the first thing that professionals turn to when creating content for their marketing campaign. After all, creating a polished, well-executed video takes forever. Video may seem like a complicated enterprise at its surface, but it provides a good return on investment. With the popularity of video at an all-time high, it’s not […]

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6 Common Facebook Ads Mistakes That Are Destroying Your Campaigns

With over 2.6 billion monthly active users and a sophisticated algorithm that understands intent and behavior, there is no doubt that Facebook is an excellent platform for advertising. By placing an ad on the platform, your chances of reaching your target audience skyrocket. This is why it’s no surprise that businesses, big and small, continue […]


5 Strategies to Transform Seasonal Buyers into Loyal Year-Round Buyers

For many businesses, the majority of their sales come during certain seasons. For instance, a company that sells swimsuits may see a significant increase in sales during the summer months, while a retailer that sells holiday decorations may experience a surge in business during the holiday season. While it’s normal for businesses to experience fluctuations […]