Entries by Kathlyn Angeles-Timbol


5 Tips for Building a Content Marketing Strategy for Your Healthcare Practice

The content marketing world is more competitive now than it has ever been before. Big brands, small businesses, influencers, and even healthcare professionals create their own content to reach more people online. But with so many blog posts, videos, infographics, and other types of content online, it can be challenging to stand out. That’s what […]

How to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog with Pinterest

Most people use Pinterest to find delicious-looking dishes to try out, look up home decor ideas, or plan their dream vacation. But did you know that you can also use the platform to increase your blog traffic? Pinterest isn’t a social networking platform, it’s a search engine where people search for images and then save […]


How Influencer Marketing Can Help Grow Your Brand

Influencer marketing has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years. Although once regarded as a fad, this strategy has now taken the digital marketing world by storm. In fact, brands and retailers are turning towards influencers as major marketing channels. Influencer marketing is expected to be worth $15 billion in 2022, with over 72% of marketers […]


5 Tips to Level Up Your Healthcare Content Marketing Strategy

Did you know that healthcare-related queries account for about 7% of all Google searches? According to David Feinberg, head of Google Health, they get approximately 70,000 healthcare queries every minute. This translates to about 1 billion searches a day. With these statistics, it’s pretty clear that people need a trusted and reliable source of healthcare […]