Something I have learned over the years are there are different types of people; there are analytical people who pay attention to every detail. They would NEVER send out a newsletter, event posting, email, etc without proofing it and spell checking it; you very rarely find a mistake in their marketing. There are people who want their marketing materials, emails, newsletters, etc to look good and at the same time details do not mean as much to them or they can overlook them, these people may have YOU instead of YOUR, or missing a comma. I am one of the people, so in my field of marketing I have to make sure I double and triple check everything. I have learned that the slightest error or grammar mistake can cost you a client or a great power partner. One of my clients told me last week when you are doing work for other people or writing a quick email to make sure to proof it and ask yourself “Would you put your name on it?” This made me think even thought I am not huge on details the majority of people are. We all have so much on our plates every day, especially if you are an entrepreneur. We are CEO, admin, tele-marketer, bookkeeper, networker, and more, this make me think how much more careful we have to be on details. We ARE OUR Company! When we work for someone or corporate office, we have something to blame it on. We need to be very careful when we are doing internet marketing because so many more people are viewing our videos, blogs, and social media. A couple tips I have for when you are writing for your company or posting anything for your internet marketing:
1) Find a power partner where you can exchange your editing expertise, take turns on proofing each other’s emails, newsletters, blogs, etc.
2) Take time to write an outline, remember when you were in middle school and before any essay or paper you wrote you had to have an outline. This will help you stay on track with your writing and make sure you have covered the points you wanted to.
3) Remember basic Grammar; two spaces after each sentence when writing, using a comma when needed, watching run-on sentences, and ALWAYS spell check.
These seem like such basic tips; I know that’s what I said. When I sit down to write a blog I am mind dumping on paper and sometimes you can get so involved in what you are writing you forget the basics of grammar.
Wow…this is a great post! I can definitely relate to what you are saying because I am the exact same way. Thank you very much for the tips as they will personally come in handy.
(PS – I proofed my reply twice before submitting it…is there any help for people like us?) 😉
One of the hardest aspects of our job is explaining to clients that internet marketing is quite a time consuming process, we are of course happy to do the work but due to the size of some of the companies that we work with they would struggle to pay for us to carry out 3-5 hours per week, as you mention in your last paragraph.
But, I guess, what I should be doing is producing some videos teaching them how to carry out their social medai and internet marketing then?!!