Entries by Kathlyn Angeles-Timbol


5 Ways to Use Customer Reviews in Your Marketing

Do you read product reviews before you purchase something new? Do you trust customer ratings better than the sales pitch of a seller? From deciding which smartphone to buy to where to eat and finding a new doctor, at least 93% of people read through reviews before making a decision. The majority of them are interested in knowing what previous customers and clients have to say before making a purchase or booking an appointment. How Impactful are Customer Reviews? Customer reviews had become the layperson’s gauge for the trustworthiness of a product, service, or company. According to a Spiegel Medill research, products with reviews are 270% more likely to be bought than unreviewed ones. For more costly items, this probability increases to up to 380%. This simply shows how important and impactful customer reviews are. Positive reviews can feel like a warm hug that validates the work that you do, but it does way more than that. It can establish your business’ credibility and trustworthiness to the general public. This can directly increase your market and translate to sales. It’s a waste of a free resource if you don’t use customer review in your sales plan. How can you maximize the power of a review in your everyday marketing? Through what strategy can you use it in boosting your sales? Let us give you some ideas. Include them on all the pages of your website Customer reviews should be on your website’s landing page. This is where you can create conversions and build a customer base. Since the landing page is dedicated for readers to make a transaction, seeing reviews and testimonials on this page can influence their actions. Beyond the landing page, it will also benefit you to include at least one review or testimonial on each of the pages of your website. This way, no matter what page your readers are on, they are subtly assured of your good reputation with consumers just like them. Share them on social media It’s no secret how most of us rely on social media for information. Globally, at least 4 billion of us are on this platform. That’s a massive reach! This then becomes the perfect venue to share your customer reviews. Reviews on social media are from random people. Your readers perceive them as unbiased. Most people take it as a personal recommendation rather than as a sales pitch. They are more likely to be persuaded by it. Posting exceptional reviews and those from influencers and celebrities can boost not only your confidence but that of your potential consumers, too. Make use of your social media reach to highlight what others have to say about you. Include it in your emails Digital marketers can attest that until now, email marketing is still the most profitable tool out there. It can generate $44 for every $1 spent, so it only makes sense to use it in your marketing strategy. Including customer reviews in your emails will increase your credibility off-site. Reviews in emails can give recipients an idea of the benefits they can get should they transact business with you. They would want to know more about you, and would thereby generate higher conversion rates. Incorporate them in your marketing collateral  On a non-digital platform, collaterals continue to be an effective marketing tool. Include snippets and shots of customer reviews on your posters, brochures, and flyers. You may even consider including it in your […]

6 Easy Tips for Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is an amazing networking tool. It provides a valuable opportunity to connect with decision makers, business leaders, and other professionals within your industry. That said, it is best to include LikedIn into your social media marketing mix. An optimized LinkedIn profile will contribute to better networking opportunities and help you stand out from the […]

7 Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

In today’s digital world, social media has become the go-to place for brands and businesses. It’s no longer optional. It’s an essential way to reach your audience, generate leads, and grow your business.  As someone who has worked as a digital marketer for years, it pains me to see businesses and healthcare providers who struggle […]

6 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Clubhouse

Everyone is talking about Clubhouse right now and for good reason. Where else can you listen in on conversations with influential entrepreneurs, celebrities, politicians, and venture capitalists? Most of you have probably heard of Clubhouse by now, but if you still haven’t joined, here’s what you need to know about this exclusive, invite-only app and […]


6 Easy Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Posts Standout

By now, you probably already know that Linkedin is a great place to generate leads. And publishing valuable content on the platform positions you as an authority in your industry, so you started writing content. You spent hours researching, writing, and editing. Finally, your article is ready for publishing. Beaming with excitement, you clicked “post”. […]