Why Video Marketing is Such an Important Piece of Your Online Strategy

Video marketing is such an important piece of your digital marketing strategy. In today’s marketing world people want to be able to connect with their healthcare providers and know who they are.

Videos are such an easy way to be able to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Gone are the days of making extravagant videos, going WAY over budget, having a studio, etc. Let’s get back to the basics, being authentic in the videos, recording on smartphones or newer computers with good quality.

Should I be doing video?

Should I be doing video? Clients ask us this question all the time.  And the answer is yes, it’s very simple, yes.

Video marketing is such an important piece of your online digital marketing strategy. Because digital marketing has grown so much, people really wanna be able to see who you are, to feel like they know you, and get a sense of how the office runs, especially in the healthcare industry. You have to think of that patient journey, what they are struggling with, what they’re going through, why they may be reaching out to you for your services, whether it’s chiropractic, acupuncture, ob/GYN, medical issues, life­threatening diseases, cancer, all these different things, you have to think of what they’re going through.

And even though there’s a ton of content online to read, and they can call the office, if  they can see videos, and they can see the doctors, and they can see the front desk and the staff at the front desk, and they can see the nurses.

Videos help build trust

Videos help build that gap when they are reaching out for a  healthcare provider. And they feel like they know, like, and trust you, which are the three main factors in marketing. Remember, people need to know, like, and trust you in order to do business with you.

Studies suggest that 80% of online visitors will watch a video, while only 20% will completely read a piece of written content. So if getting your audience engaged and fully immersed in your healthcare­related information is important to you, then so should video. As stats show, your audience is more likely to consume your content to its full capacity when there’s a  video involved. This is also something, you have to think of the healthcare industry when you are explaining, maybe it’s symptoms, or a process, a procedure.

When they can hear it straight from the doctor’s mouth, that builds that trust. They’re able to really know what the doctor and the staff, that they know what they’re talking about.

Tools for creating videos

And there are so many different tools out there that make video marketing so easy. There’s a reason or a process to everything and having a professional videographer come in for a commercial shoot, maybe a video on the website, that’s really important. I am not discrediting that at all; that is something that’s really important to have. And it’s really easy to do your videos in­house for your daily tips, your blogs, even your YouTube videos. So it’s not a  huge cost item anymore either.

So I wanted to share with you some tools that we use for screen sharing.  So this is really good if a doctor puts together maybe a PowerPoint, or has images they wanna share, diagrams. If you wanna walk through a process, you can have it just on your computer, and you can share your screen, and you can go through that presentation


So the tool that we use a lot is called Zoom, Z­O­O­M. And this allows you to do video recording such as this, and it gives us the video file and the audio file, which serves two purposes. Obviously, the video is great for the website, for YouTube, and your social media marketing.

The audio file is great for podcasts, and that’s exactly what we do. There’s no point in recreating that wheel when you can use one piece of information for multiple purposes.


The other one is Loom, and that works the same way as Zoom does.

I know, Zoom and Loom, it can get a little bit more confusing. But those are two great tools that you can if you wan to share your screen while recording a video.

Animoto and Ripl

And the other two that we like to use are Animoto and Riple. These are more for those cute, fun videos to throw into social media if you have a new staff member coming on. This is where you take pictures of them, maybe it’s them in the office, a couple of pictures of their personal life. And you can make a cute video, I use Animoto and Ripl.

There are free versions and paid versions. I would do the paid version, just so you don’t have their logo on it, and you can actually add your logo, and add text to it. They’re not expensive at all. So those are two videos that have fun little templates, holiday theme if you wanna have a little office video that says Happy Holidays. You can do little snippets of videos and images together and then they put it together into a video format.

So those are what we call more of the fluff posts for social media, but they’re videos that people like to see. You can do fun facts, so you can do facts around a certain topic in an Animoto video and share it, you can ask questions.

Tips for recording videos

So videos don’t need to be complicated. If you have a  Mac, you can just use QuickTime Player and record yourself. Again, if you’re gonna do that, I  would highly recommend using Zoom because you do get that audio file and the video file. And if you use your phone, you can use your iPhone or Android as well.

If I’m recording a video for social media and I also want it to go onto YouTube, I will have my Zoom screen up, and then I also would have my phone vertical recording as well, so I can use that for Instagram Stories and  Facebook. I know it sounds complicated, and a lot of times it’s just getting used to being in front of the camera.

Having those bullet points of what you wanna talk about. I have my bullet points right here with some stats written down that I will go into. I have another screen pulled up so I know what those bullet points are that I wanna cover. And so it’s really figuring out that system for you.  Some people write full-on strips and tape them up. So you have to find that system that works for you, you don’t have a choice anymore in digital marketing, you have to be doing videos. And the more videos you do, the better.

Getting started with video marketing

So if you’re thinking, “where I would start with this video marketing strategy?.” Start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What are your clients or your patients asking you?
  • What questions are they coming to you with, and how can you address those?
  • What are those hot topics in your industry? Is it around vaping, opioids, vitamins? Is it working out, is it diet?
  • Are they asking you what they can do to improve the quality of their life? And so start paying attention to what are they asking you, and then start doing videos around that.

Start with small things, maybe it’s just one question. Keep it short,  simple, and to the point. So less than three minutes is great.

If you’re doing a presentation, you’re explaining diagrams, or you’re teaching them something, then I will go up to 10 minutes. Keep in mind that if you’re posting it onto Instagram, it can’t be more than 10 minutes for Instagram  TV. And you also have to think of, what are you talking about that you wanna be able to keep their attention. So their attention span is gonna be shorter, too, so you wanna make sure that that video is giving them a lot of details, a lot of valuable information that they wanna keep watching it.

Importance of video marketing

83% of marketers believe that video is growing in importance. Duh. It is so important.  We have to be doing it. 53% of customers engage with a brand or a business after watching a video

Your audience is cyber­stalking you, which sounds horrible, but they are doing their research. They are looking at multiple different healthcare practices, from who they are, where they’re at, what their expertise is, what are they talking about on social media, are being consistent with social media, do they have the videos? Is their website user­friendly? And we talked about that user experience, that digital experience for your patients, for your audience, is that an easy process?

So even if you do an intro video on your website, like welcome to our website, here’s where you need to go to book your appointment, here’s where our expertise is, it’s really important to make sure that you have these videos and you make that experience as simple as possible for your audience. So you just gotta get in there, you gotta get in front of the camera.  You’re gonna have 10 takes before it’s perfect, and that’s okay, and keep going.

Editing your videos

So then my next question I get is, “Well, what about editing? Do you edit your videos? And if so, what software do you use to edit your videos”?

I’m usually the type of person that I wanna get it done in one take. I don’t wanna have to stop and splice it together. I like to have my points, get it done in one take, and that may take me three or four times, but I’m not editing a lot. So in your  first couple of videos, you may have it at the beginning where there’s a pause and then you say, “Hi!”  Or in the end, you pause and then you talk again.

So some simple editing, beginning and ending. If you have a Mac, you can use iMovie, if you have a PC you can use the Movie Maker, which does a  good job. You can use Adobe Premiere Clip. And also YouTube does have some video editing tools in there, and they work great, so you can edit a beginning. So again, if there’s that pause at the beginning or a pause at the end, you can use that.

Sometimes you wanna add an intro. You can do that in Movie Maker or iMovie. There’s a ton of different video editing software out there. And again, we like to keep it as simple as possible, so find the one that works best for you. As I said, YouTube, iMovie, or  Movie Maker for those beginning, pieces is a great idea just to get used to it and then if you wanna add more effects or different things to it, you can start doing some more research and looking at  Adobe Premiere Clip and other video editing software.

Maximizing your video content

So start by, again, listening to your patients, what are they asking, what are those hot topics that people are talking about in your industry? Do some research on your competitors: Are they doing videos? What are they talking about? Looking at other videos, just YouTubing videos on those topics, those keywords that you’re thinking about, seeing how many views they have.

Once you take your video and you upload it to YouTube, think that SEO, think those keywords, what would they be typing in to find this video? In your description, make sure that you have a link back to your website, so if you’re talking about a treatment or a condition that… Or even a blog post, tie it back to a link on your website, so there’s that call to action.

So it’s really important, you’ve gotta think about this as another process in your marketing. So you find your bullet points for your video, you record your video, you upload it to  YouTube, and you share it with social media. Once the video’s on YouTube, you can take that video and insert it into your blog posts as well.

Videos are a great addition to add to your blog posts. And so we usually will write a blog post and then do a video, so we’re touching both parts. People can watch a video and then they can read the blog. And so the blog is great for SEO, the video is great for our audience. So finding that balance, and start doing some videos, and just get it in the habit,  whether you’re doing one per week to start, and then start moving it up to maybe two per week.

What is the point of that video? Again, is it an FAQ, is it a treatment condition,  is it a blog post? And then what’s a call to action for each video? And our call to action for our podcasts is to be sure to go to Podbean or iTunes and subscribe to our podcast so you can listen to all these amazing tips that we’re sharing with you. And also if you are struggling with that video strategy, head on over to socialspeaknetwork.com and request a free 30­minute consultation, and we can walk through this video strategy with you.

So I look forward to seeing your videos. Please drop a link below to your YouTube channel, we would love to take a look at them, and get a recording. Have a great day.

Why Video Marketing is Such an Important Piece of Your Online Strategy

Why Video Marketing is Important for Your Nutrition PracticeWhy Video Marketing is Important for Your Yoga Practice

Why Video Marketing is Important for Your Acupuncture Practice

7 Tips for Creating a Social Media Content Calendar

When you manage several social media channels and create lots of content, it can be challenging to keep up.

A social media content calendar helps you plan your content and visualize your strategy over time. It allows plenty of time to fill the spaces with relevant content, preventing you from publishing poorly written posts. It will prevent you from going into a full panic mode since everything was planned and pre-scheduled.

Need help in creating social media content calendar? Follow the tips below.

Audit your social network 

What’s great about digital marketing is that almost everything is measurable.

Take time to go through your social media accounts and posts to see how your content is received.

When auditing your social media profiles and your previous posts, you will begin to notice a trend. Identify what types of content are getting more engagements on each platform. Also, identify which posts sparked the most conversation. This will clue you in to where you should focus your efforts over the next month or two.

Define your goals 

Before you start creating content, it is a good idea to ask yourself: what is the primary goal?

Do you wish to drive more traffic to your website? Are you hoping to get more leads? Or do you want to grow your following? By defining your goals early on, you’ll have a clear idea of the expected results.

Pushing out content without a clear purpose won’t benefit your business or your practice. Instead, it will only lead to wasted time, effort, and resources.

Plan your content 

Once you’re clear on your goals for social media marketing, it’s time to plan your content.

When you hit a high-performing piece of content, it can be tempting to keep posting similar content week after week. While this might work initially, it will have diminishing returns over time. Come to think of it. Even the best dinner gets old if you serve it every night.

When creating content, make sure you’re not posting the same sort of content. If you do, your followers may find your posts boring and can lead to disengagement or unfollowing.

Decide on the publishing frequency

Now, it’s time to decide on the publishing frequency. You see, social media success isn’t something you can achieve overnight. It will require hard work and patience. Posting consistently on social media makes you more visible to your audience. But that doesn’t mean you should spam them with too many posts each day. Posting seldomly may cause your audience to forget you.

This is why it’s essential to choose a publishing frequency that works for you. Think about how often you can publish fresh content realistically. If you can only commit to posting three times a week, then that’s fine as long as you stick to your posting schedule.

Keep evergreen content at hand

Evergreen content is something that can provide value to your audience over long periods.

If you’ve been interviewed, you are free to share it again at a later date, so those who missed it will have the opportunity to watch it. You can also share blog posts that list out various tips and tricks. We bet most of these tips are timeless and can be shared with your audience again and again. Of course, you can also post evergreen content from other websites.

Don’t miss out on relevant moments 

There are so many holidays and pseudo-holidays each year. Some marketers tend to consider social media holiday posts as “fluff’. But your audience doesn’t see it that way. As long as you keep your audience in mind, they’ll create emotional touchpoints in your marketing campaign and get the engagement you seek.

Holidays and special events are a great way to connect with your audience. You may find companies that use unusual holidays to sell their products and services. Don’t be left out – become one of them.

The year is full of special events. Do your due diligence and take note of local, national, and international holidays. Identify those holidays and somehow connect to the products or services you provide. A content calendar will reduce the risk of forgetting or missing out on these events.

Choose your publishing tool 

Forget setting the alarm to remind yourself to post. Instead, choose a publishing tool that will help you make the most of your time.

Automation helps you save time, achieve consistency in your social media marketing efforts, and gives you greater control over the content.

Buffer, Hootsuite, and SproutSocial are just some of the best tools that can help you streamline and automate your social media content so that you can focus on more critical aspects of your business.

Final thoughts 

A well-thought-out and organized social media calendar serves as a framework for what you plan to share and promote across all social platforms.

If you need help planning and creating a social media content calendar, please let us know. Book a 30-minute consultation call with us, and we’ll help you take your social media marketing game to the next level.

7 Tips for Creating a Social Media Content Calendar

Creating a Social Media Content Calendar for Your Family Medicine PracticeCreating a Social Media Content Calendar for Your Family Medicine PracticeCreating a Social Media Content Calendar for Your Health and Wellness Practice

Creating a Social Media Content Calendar for Your Mental Health Practice

How to upload a video to YouTube correctly

Today, we are going to walk through how to upload a video correctly to YouTube. And it’s kind of one of those things, fill out all the blanks, but there are some things that people don’t understand that play a big piece in the SEO of your YouTube channel. When you login to your YouTube channel, you will have this create video here. Now, a tool that we use is called Tube Buddy, and this is a great add-on to really help add SEO, Search Engine Optimization to your YouTube videos. We’ll get to that within this tutorial, but it’s called Tube Buddy, and right here, you’re going click to upload your video. And after you upload your video, and it just takes a quick second since I’m doing a screen share. You’re going to have an option to select the files from your computer. I’m going go ahead and just do this Zoom recording I had done earlier with a client, it’s going upload the video. Based on the length of your video, it will determine how long it takes to upload it. Okay, once you have the video, it’s processing the video, YouTube does a great job on walking you through what you should be doing, okay, again, filling out those blanks.

Adding a Title and Description to Your YouTube Video

You are required to have a title, and again, the title you want to make sure is using those keywords of what the video is on and what people would be searching for. Here I’m going say, how to create custom images in Canva? Now, in your description, I like having a how to or step, something where people… What the title you should be thinking is what would people be typing into YouTube or Google to find that video? How to is a great way, healthy eating ideas, healthy snacks for kids, whatever that topic is your video is around, this is where that title comes in. Now with your description, you have 5000 characters you can use for your video description. And with that, you need to have at least 500 for each video. What I’d like to do is when you are recording a video. What we do is we record our video and then we transcribe our video on Scribie. And then I would take that first paragraph of that transcription from our blog and put it in here. Maybe it would say, in this video, you will learn how to create custom images in Canva, building a brand with your digital marketing, yada, yada yada, we want to keep on going.

Then you would say to learn more, visit our blog at, and then you could put the URL to your blog there. Okay, this is a great area in here, you want to make sure that you have your keyword and that you are describing what that video is about. It’s clear to the viewer that they understand what it is they are going to be learning. Now, the next thing is the thumbnail, you can create a custom thumbnail in Canva, and what we’ll do is they have… This moved me… If you have used Canva, you’ll know that they have a ton of designs on here, there’s a free version and a paid version. We have the paid version, and it’s running a little bit slow today, but you can actually create a custom YouTube thumbnail. We’ll let that load. But what you would do here is then click upload thumbnail and you would upload that thumbnail from your computer to here. YouTube tends to have, especially if it’s a video of you talking, they pick the worst thumbnails where your eyes are closed. It’s a horrible thumbnail, I always recommend creating a custom thumbnail in Canva, you can have that correct size and then you can upload that to here.

Additonal Features When Uploading Your YouTube Video

Once you have your custom thumbnail uploaded, then what you’re going to do is choose playlist. We have a ton of playlists, this helps keep our channel organized, and what you could do is, if this is, let’s say you are a pediatrician, this can be tips for parents, this can be eating healthy for kids, whatever those categories are, are what your playlists are going to be. I’m going click this to be… We’ll do social media tips, and it could be more than one category, you can choose two or three and then click done. Now, what you want to come down and do is, this is where if it’s made for kids or not. And what this does, if it says yes it’s made for kids, then kids that have access to YouTube Kids, and for whatever reasons they were to type in something similar to what your video is talking about, your video could show up in YouTube Kids. Even though this video there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s a great tutorial. I’m going say it’s not made for kids because they don’t need to know this. You could do an age restriction if you need to, but I just say no, not made for kids, and it’s fine. Here’s a piece you want to make sure you do not skip over, this show more. And this is where Tube Buddy comes in action, right here, your tag, these are keywords that people would type into YouTube to find a video.

This says tag to be useful if content in your video is commonly misspelled. Otherwise, tags play a minimal role in helping viewers find your video. You want to have things like how to, very broad and then very niche, I can type in Canva. And then this is where YouTube comes into play, I can do Canva tutorial for beginners. Now, if I scroll down a tad bit, you’ll see these tag tools, these recommended tags. This is Tube Buddy, helping me figure out what I should put into that tag area, you can do it by relevance or keyword score. I like keywords score ’cause I feel like that’s what people are searching more for, this is Canva templates, then we would come down to… And I would just pick the ones that I feel best fit my video that I was talking about. Okay. You can add up to 500 characters in here. I always like to have at least between five and 20, if you can tags in here. TubeBuddy is a great way to help. Obviously, these ones that are in orange and yellow are the best to choose from, and then as they go to red, they become a little bit less searched for. I’m going do one more. And then what I’m going do is I’m going click next.

This is where if you want to have subtitles, you can add subtitles to your video, you can also add an end screen. You can create a template and then add it to there, or you can create your own. And this is just helping people stay on your channel, and be able to find other videos that you have put on. Promote related content at the end of your video. And if you do this, it will tell you, and again, based on the popularity of your channel, how long you have had your channel, if you’re verified, all these things will allow you what you can and cannot have on here. This will say, subscribe to Social Speak, you can choose where you want this to show up. I like to have it towards the end it’s not blocking the content. At the end of your video, if you are just chit-chatting a little bit, that’s where then I would have this come up  so people can subscribe to that video or to your channel. And then you could also add a card, and this is, if you’re talking about maybe a free PDF and in your video, you say, “Be sure to download my free PDF on my website about such and such.” This is where you can promote another video once you reach a certain… When you join the partner program with YouTube, that’s when you’re going have a link. But you can promote your channel, a certain playlist, another video.

This is where you would say, be sure to watch this other video that explains our freebie or how to download our freebie, whatever that is, that call to action. These cards are great for call to action, I may want to do a playlist and I’m going click into, let’s just do healthcare digital marketing tips. Then I can choose at what point in the video, I want this to show up right here. If you are watching a YouTube video and you see this little eye icon, that is an info card. And if you click onto it, it will take you to somewhere else, whether it is a playlist, a video, or if they are a partner of YouTube, take them to a link. Then you can click next and they’ll make sure if you have any music in the background, if you are talking about anything, YouTube just check to make sure that you’re following all of the copyright rules that YouTube set. No issues found, which is great, I can click next. Here, what we have, I get a check mark here. Video elements, I’m going go back to there to see, that’s where these are. I don’t have a check mark here because I didn’t add those to this video. You click next, next, this is where you can schedule a video to post, you can make it public, which means it’s going to be found in YouTube, you can use this link to promote it out, and it’s searchable within YouTube.

Unlisted means that anyone with the video link can watch that video. I like to use unlisted for our newsletters, we may just do a video just for our newsletter subscribers. And I don’t want to be found on YouTube. I’m just housing that video on YouTube, and using unlisted is a great idea because then I can still email that link out to people and they can watch it, but it’s not searchable within YouTube. The other one is private. Private is great, if you’re doing an online course or a private, like maybe telehealth or a coaching session where you recorded that session just for that person, and then you can share it just with them, it’s only viewable to the people that you invite. Okay? For this one, I’m just going do unlisted because this is a video that I am going to publish to the public, and then you will click save, and then what you’ll do is you can from here, share it to any of these. But if you go to the video and you right click on it, and you could copy the embedded code to put that into your blog post. If you’re using Mailchimp or Constant Contact and you want to put this video into your email, then you just need the link and then within there, they would show you how to add that video.

Final Steps to Upload Your YouTube Video

Those are just a few steps you want to take to make sure that your video is being uploaded correctly to YouTube, and you have all of the boxes checked, everything to just make sure that you are optimizing your YouTube videos the best you can. If you need help with creating that YouTube strategy and how to upload your videos to your channel, please let us know. You can schedule a free 30-minute consultation and we would love to walk through that with you. Thank you guys, have a great day.

Blog to Boost SEO for Healthcare Providers

In today’s episode we are going to be talking about blogging for your healthcare center or your wellness practice. Blogging is one of the best ways for you to share your knowledge and your education with prospects and with your network online.

Additionally, a well-written blog post helps to boost your search engine (SEO) rankings for your website thus driving more traffic, to your website for specific keywords and keyword phrases.

It’s always important as you’re writing a blog post to keep both that end-user, or that potential patient in mind as well as keeping the search engines in mind too.

How do you go about finding topics to blog about, how do you go about writing that blog post and structuring it, and how do you share it after it’s written?

These are the key elements that we will be covering today in the video about How to Blog to Boost SEO for Healthcare Providers.

For a step-by-step guide to blogging, please visit: How to Easily Write a Blog Post.

Watch the Episode

Listen to the Health and Wellness Marketing Podcast Episode

Read the full digital marketing for healthcare transcript:

00:00 Caitlin McDonald: Hello and welcome to the Social Speak Network podcast. I’m Caitlin McDonald and I am the co-founder of Social Speak. And today’s episode we are going to be talking about blogging for your healthcare center or your wellness practice. Now blogging is one of the best ways for you to share your knowledge and your education with prospects and with your network online. Additionally, a well-written blog post helps to boost your search engine rankings for your website thus driving more traffic, to your website for specific keywords and keyword phrases. So it’s always important as you’re writing a blog post to keep both that end-user, or that potential patient in mind as well as keeping the search engines in mind too. So how do you go about finding topics to blog about how do you go about writing that blog post and structuring it and how do you share it after it’s written. So that’s what we’re going to be covering today.

01:19 CM: So the first part of that question is thinking about what topics you should blog about. Now, it’s always important to blog about something that you are knowledgeable about. So you want to make sure that you’re blogging about topics within your practice or industry that you actually know about and care about. If you are not the specialist in that topic, find somebody in your practice who’s better suited to write about it or who can at least edit the information that you’ve put out. We find this often especially with some smaller health care centers where they have one person who’s in charge of doing the blogging. Unfortunately, they don’t necessarily have the expertise in whatever specific topic there is. For our team, for example, when we are going into a new practice, we make sure that we are matching that practice up with a writer who’s going to be suited to talk about those topics. If we’re talking about Pediatrics, or if we’re talking about pain management, we might have two different writers for those two topics. They’re very different, and they require a different level of understanding of who that patient is, what that patient journey is, and everything like that. So let’s get back to writing that blog post, so to find a topic to write about one make sure that it’s something that you are very knowledgeable about two, make sure that some people are searching for it.

03:03 CM: So what I typically recommend doing is taking out a pen and paper, and actually writing a list of different topics that you talk about with patients and with prospects. So by this I mean, what are the questions that people are asking you what are their top concerns what are they looking for, what benefit does the practice provide to them what are the specialties of your practice, what additional things can your services and specialties help to solve for your patients? Now take a look at this list and what I recommend doing is hopping on over to Google and starting to type in these, phrases, what you’ll see is that Google will pre-populate other searches that are related to it, or searches that other people search for. Now, there are also tools that you can use to do this research. So, I like first starting out doing your own brainstorm looking at Google search results, and just set your timer takes about 30 minutes to do this exercise, make as many notes as you can.

04:22 CM: I often find myself hand-writing them, probably it would be a little bit more streamlined if you do this for yourself, in a spreadsheet so that you don’t replicate work overtime. The next thing to do is either head on over to Keyword finder kwfinder.com or over to Neil Patel’s Uberselect app. Now, this is a new app that he has brought to the market and it currently is completely free. So what you do is, within this app and I’ll have a link down below, excuse me Ubersuggest not Uberselect Ubersuggest app. And so it’s Neil… Excuse me, app.neilpatel.com/en/ubersuggest is one way that you can get there or you can just do a Google search for it as well but what you do is there is a related keyword ideas sort of tool within there, and so you can actually type in some of those keywords and keyword phrases.

05:30 CM: And you can see what other search results folks are looking for. Keyword finder you can do the same thing, however, now it is limited to just a few searches per month on that free account. So I do recommend jumping over to Neil Patel’s tool. When you are utilizing this tool and I don’t have it up in front of me. So that’s going to be a whole new blog post and tutorial about how we utilize it. But when you use it, you can see one, what keywords your competitors are looking for and two what those related search terms are for the ones that you enter into that search field. Now, we recommend filtering these results so that you are looking for keywords with a low keyword difficulty score. We recommend starting off if you’re just starting off blogging, putting in a keyword score, a maximum keyword score of about 20, maybe 30.

06:30 CM: Now, this means that it is hypothetically easier to rank for these keywords, you’ll find that typically the result that pops out there is going to be a long-term keyword so a keyword phrase rather than back pain, for example, another thing that you can do is you can plug in the number of searches per month for that keyword. Now as you’re starting off blogging we recommend writing blog posts and trying to rank for keywords that don’t have as many searches for them. So I would plug in a number like 500 here.

07:12 CM: So you’re looking for searches where there are fewer than 500 searches for them and where the keyword difficulty score is fairly low. The reason why we do this is, and I’m taking this from one of our interviews a while ago, is because we follow the skyscraper approach to keyword research and blogging for that SEO benefit. What this means is, if you visualize the Skyline, we are targeting the low-buildings, So we’re targeting the buildings that, Yes, they don’t have as much traffic, but they also don’t have as much competition for them. Then over time, as you’re proving your worth to Google, you can start bidding for those higher skyscrapers. So you can start writing content that has more searches and higher keyword difficulty, score. So you’ve done the list of your brainstorm of all the topics you’ve jumped over to the Ubersuggest app on Neil Patel’s website, you’ve done your keyword research there and you’ve chosen a topic now what do you do? This part is actually my favorite, and it’s seeing what other people have written about that keyword phrase.

08:39 CM: And so what you want to do is just type it into Google and take a look, open up a few of the searches excuse me, search results that come up for that phrase. When you open up the articles I recommend, not reading them word for word, but doing a cursory skim, just to see what other headlines and sub-topics people are talking about. Then close all of the windows take out either your notebook and piece of paper again or jump over to your spreadsheet or a Word document, you could even open up your blog post if you want to a blog post draft and write the outline that you want to follow for that blog post. Now I always recommend putting that title, excuse me, putting that keyword phrase as the title of the blog post or at least in the title of the blog post this will help you rank even better and also make sure that people who are searching specifically for that phrase know that you are the place to go when they see it up in the organic listings. So you’ve done the cursory outline for your blog post and now we recommend filling in the content.

10:03 CM: So what you’re going to have, what you should see on your paper are major topics that you want to cover, sub-categories or sub-topics that you want to cover, And then maybe a couple of bullet points that you wanna make sure that you touch on. So underneath each of these items, type in two to three or more sentences or bullet points for each of these. Now, if you do that, and if you are putting together a robust outline, you might find that at that first go, you already have a 1500-word blog post. I’ve done this before where I’ve done an outline and the outline itself, was over 500 words long. That makes writing a longer blog post very straightforward. Now, let’s say you sit down to fill out these bullet points and you just have a mental block, you can’t think of anything to put down. I recommend jumping over to Google Docs, and under, if you open up a new doc, you can click tools, and then you can do a voice record. So if you do this you can actually record yourself speaking and make a transcription of what you’re going to say and so you can create a few sentences, if you feel more comfortable speaking rather than sitting down in writing, you can at least talk through some of the bullet points so that you have something that then you can convert into a nicely written blog post.

11:35 CM: Now, if all else fails, if you have this outline that’s put together and that’s tapping into your knowledge about what topics should be talked about, you can then Hop on over to WriterAccess or Upwork on, to have somebody else fill in the blanks and write the content. This is an easy way to make sure that you’ve done the research in terms of what other people are looking for, you’ve added your expertise on that specific topic, and then you’re just getting someone to fill in the blanks now to make a blog post work even better for your business there are a few additional things that we recommend adding, the first is video so you’ll see in all of our videos excuse me, in all of our blog posts. We have a video embedded in the blog post as well. Now, having this video adds a multi-media element to your blog post, the multimedia element, allows different people to come and view it. People who wouldn’t necessarily be reading your blog post, maybe they’re more interested in listening to it or watching it.

12:46 CM: So, this adds additional SEO benefit because you’re keeping people on your page longer, and you are uploading the video to YouTube which is in fact the second largest search engine and also owned by Google. So you might be adding an additional place for your name and brand to show up in search results. Another thing that you can do with this video is you can create a transcription of it. So I talked about transcribing with the Google Voice On the Google Doc in order to write the content but if you do a video, that goes into deeper detail on one or two of the topics that you talk about in the video, you can actually create a transcription of that video and add that to the bottom of your blog post. I believe it’s something around 10 minutes of speaking typically equates to about 2500 or 3000 words. Now, imagine what that can do for the content on your website. Now, after you write your blog post, it’s important to make sure that you’re going through for formatting.

14:09 CM: When we go through for formatting we take a look at the outline that you originally created and make sure all of those main topics are header twos, then those sub-topics are header threes, and the topics below that are header fours. Typically within a longer blog post, you’ll see something like two header twos, three to five header threes, and four or more header fours. This allows Google to see what those most important categories are and if your website was structured properly in the CSS and the styling those elements are going to be bolded, or have more, more prominent on a page rather than just the written text. Additionally, we recommend linking two services pages from that blog post. So again, let’s say you’re talking about back pain and you have a service that is great for back pain. It could be a massage, it could be surgery or a specialist. You want to make sure that that Back pain text is linked to the services page or more information about how you can help with back pain. This is called inner page linking.

15:27 CM: And so by doing that again, you’re getting people to more resources. You can also add a section of related posts to your blog post so let’s say you’re talking about one specific specialty within your blog post link to or add the related blog post that also has to do with that specialty or potentially this is a physician interview link to the other blog posts that have physician interviews And it helps keep people on the site longer, so that they know like and trust you more. It also signals to Google that people are finding the information that they want when they view your site and that helps to increase the Domain Authority and where your website is positioned compared to competitors, in the organic search results. The last thing to do with your blog post for your health care and wellness center is to share it with the world. So the past few weeks we’ve been talking about a lot of different tactics that you can do to make this happen. The first would be sharing it on social media, the second sharing it to your newsletter, the third making sure that you are sharing it through sponsored advertising on Facebook. This could be as a boosted post. Your organic reach you’re going to find is fairly low. And we talked about this with the reach apocalypse the other week. So you are going to have to boost the post with at least a little bit of money behind it in order to make sure that it is reaching your audience and other people who might be interested in reading it.

17:11 CM: Now, I hope that this has been helpful. If you have any questions about how to write a blog post for your wellness center please don’t hesitate to reach out. We have blog posts and other resources about how to do this over on our website at socialspeaknetwork.com, And we would love to chat with you to see how we can help with the process. So thank you so much for tuning in. My name’s Caitlin McDonald, I’m here with the social speak network and I can’t wait to see you next time on our next podcast episode.

How to Blog to Boost SEO for Healthcare Providers

How to Blog to Boost SEO for Your Family Medicine PracticeHow to Blog to Boost SEO for Your Health and Wellness Practice

How to Blog to Boost SEO for Your Mental Health Practice

LinkedIn is an amazing networking tool. It provides a valuable opportunity to connect with decision makers, business leaders, and other professionals within your industry. That said, it is best to include LikedIn into your social media marketing mix.

An optimized LinkedIn profile will contribute to better networking opportunities and help you stand out from the competition.

Need help optimizing your LinkedIn profile? Here are 6 easy tips to get you started.

Create a banner photo that represents your brand

This is the background image at the top of your profile. It is usually the first thing people see when they visit your profile. Optimizing this section will help you stand out, attract ideal clients, and woo them into your funnel.

Your banner image should capture the full picture of who you are and what you can offer. Think of it as your company’s billboard. It’s the perfect place to showcase your work, products, or services in a creative way. For example, you can use a quote that describes the service you provide, a picture of your office space, or tools you use in your everyday work.

Don’t forget to include a clear call to action to encourage visitors to take the desired action.

Choose the right profile photo 

Your profile picture matters. It reminds people that there is a human being behind your online persona.

According to LinkedIn, profiles with professional head shots get 14 times more views and nine times more connection requests than those who don’t. So if you want to increase your acceptance and engagement rate, you need to invest in your profile picture.

It might seem obvious, but your profile picture should be up-to-date and professional-looking. However, professional doesn’t necessarily mean serious or intense. Smiling makes you look more approachable. So choose a profile photo that looks professional, authentic, and confident because that’s what you want to convey.

Do not use a selfie, your company logo, group photo, or a cropped picture.

Make your headline more than just a job title

A headline is the line underneath your name. It lets you communicate your entire professional brand in under 5 seconds and give prospects a reason to click on your profile.

Simply adding your current job title and company name isn’t going to work. You want your headline to be impressive and attention-grabbing. It should explain exactly who you are, what you do, and what you can bring to the table. Take time to create one solid statement that shows your awesomeness in 120 characters or less.

Turn your summary into a story

Profile visitors are hoping to get a glimpse into what makes you unique professionally.

While the headline allows just 120 characters, you’re given about 2,000 characters for the summary. Here’s your chance to share your story and blow people away with a 360-degree snapshot of who you are, what you have to offer, and what makes you awesome.

LinkedIn only shows the first three lines of your summary, so make it count. Start with a catchy hook that would encourage readers to click “see more”.

Tell a cohesive story, offering an overview of your skills, career highlights, unique value proposition, and your mission. Make sure you focus not only on what you do, but also on why it matters.

Be sure to incorporate keywords relevant keywords in your summary to improve your profile’s search visibility. Lastly, end your summary with a clear and concise call to action.

Highlight your experiences

Your work experiences are a big part of who you are today, and you should include them on your LinkedIn profile.

List down all the relevant jobs you deem relevant to where you want your career to go. Include a short overview of what the job entails. Use action words to show what you did, the impact you’ve made, as well as what you’ve accomplished in each position.

Get endorsed

One great way to have your skills validated by others is to get endorsements from other LinkedIn users. These seemingly simple endorsements can help make you and your profile stand out from the millions of users on the platform.

You are free to add up to 50 skills on your profile. Sure, having lots of skills can be quite impressive. However, there is no point in adding 25 skills that do nothing to help you stand out.

Be strategic with your endorsed skills and only list down skills you want to be known for. Then, have people in your network endorse you for these skills. Endorse fellow professionals and they are more likely to return the favor.

6 Easy Tips for Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Your Nutrition PracticeOptimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Your Family Medicine Practice\

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Your Yoga Practice


7 Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

In today’s digital world, social media has become the go-to place for brands and businesses. It’s no longer optional. It’s an essential way to reach your audience, generate leads, and grow your business. 

As someone who has worked as a digital marketer for years, it pains me to see businesses and healthcare providers who struggle to get results on social media because they keep making the same mistakes over and over again. They may seem like minor mistakes, but they can cost you reach, engagement, and even followers. 

Here are seven social media marketing mistakes you need to avoid. 

Buying followers

Having a massive following on social media is impressive. You might be tempted to buy followers, especially if you’re struggling to gain online traction, but please don’t. Why? Because purchased followers are likely bots and inactive accounts. 

What’s the point of having 10,000 followers when no one even reads or engages with your post? Plus, Instagram recognizes and purges fake accounts. So buying followers is nothing but a waste of money. 

Not having a social media marketing plan 

Doing social media marketing without a plan is like driving a car without knowing where you want to go. The last thing you want to spend countless hours creating content without a clear objective. 

So ask yourself, what do you want to achieve? 

  • Is it to generate leads? 
  • Is it to increase brand awareness?
  • Is it to increase the engagement rate?

Having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish will be easier for you to measure results. Thus, allowing you to create a concrete plan of action to outline what you want to achieve. 

Being boring

There are more than 8.9 million posts per day on Instagram alone. With millions of posts being published every day, it can be easy to get lost in the noise. 

If you want to stand out from the competition, you need to be different. Use different content types. Share videos, visually appealing images, and mix them up with plain texts. 

Keep your images and videos as high quality as possible. Most importantly, try to make your captions compelling while adding value to your audience. 

Being on all social media platforms

New social media platforms pop up almost every day. Most business owners try to open an account on different social media platforms, hoping it would help them reach a wider audience. Sure, it can help increase your reach, but is it worth your time? 

The key is to identify which social platform your audience uses the most and then focus your time and effort into engaging your target audience. The last thing you want is to spread yourself thin across too many platforms. 

Focusing on quantity over quality

Social Media Week recommends posting on social media 5-10 times a week to increase engagement. That means you need to post at least one post a day to get results. 

But here’s the thing… Just because you’re posting regularly, it doesn’t mean you’ll get positive results. If you want to increase your engagement rate, focus on publishing your quality content rather than the number of posts.

It doesn’t matter if you publish posts five times a week, as long your audience finds them interesting and valuable. 

Failing to engage with your followers

So you regularly post content on social media. That’s great! But the question is, do you engage with your followers? 

Social media is a two-way engagement platform. You can’t just post content and then leave. We know creating high-quality posts can be time-consuming, but you also need to make time to engage with your followers. 

Ask questions. If someone asks a question, answer them. Interact with people who comment on your post. Showing your followers there’s a human behind your page goes a long way in building a relationship with your audience. 

Deleting negative comments 

Negative comments are unavoidable. At some point, you’ll come across a dissatisfied client or someone who misunderstands your message. 

It can be tempting to delete negative comments on social media, but please resist the urge to do so. Why? It can imply that you don’t care about the person’s feelings, giving them enough reason to dislike your brand. 

The first step to resolving a conflict is to apologize sincerely. Then, invite the commenter to send you a private message so you can deal with their problem privately. Use this as an opportunity to make the situation right. 

Final thoughts 

We all make mistakes, and sometimes, we aren’t even aware of them. They may seem like minor mistakes, but they can negatively affect your business in the long run. The first step is to become aware of these mistakes. 

If you need help with social media marketing, please feel free to reach out to us for a free 30-minute consultation call. We can help you create a social media strategy to help you reach your prospects online. 

7 Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

7 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Your Family Medicine Practice7 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Your Health and Wellness Practice

7 Social Media Marketing Mistakes To Avoid for Your Mental Health Practice

Digital marketing is becoming the new wave of healthcare marketing. With the growing competition in the healthcare industry, it is important to stay on top of digital marketing and keep your organization at the forefront of change.

Today, the competition is getting tougher and patients are getting smarter. Many of them even turn to Google for quick answers to health-related concerns. If you want to get more customers to your door, then you need to get in front of your audience and have a solid online presence. Otherwise, someone else will. This is why it’s important to have a healthcare marketing plan — so you can reach potential and existing patients at the best time.

Ever wonder what it takes to create a successful healthcare marketing campaign?

We listed down some tips that you can incorporate into your marketing plan right away.

Know your target audience

A successful healthcare marketing campaign starts with knowing who your audience is and what they value. To produce great results, you first need to create a well-defined persona profile.

Vividly picture who is it that you want to attract to your doorstep and what matters most to them. The more specifically you define your audience, the more likely you are to inspire a positive response.

Carefully and precisely defining your target audience will ensure that you’re not making the wrong assumption about what your audience values. Plus, it will improve your efficiency since you’ll have a good idea about what media to use and how to shape a compelling message that brings a response.

Combine healthcare and social media

Today, social media isn’t just a place for family and friends to stay in touch. People also use them to promote their business and reach their audience. 

The power of social media extends to all industries, including healthcare. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn can help you reach a wider audience and connect with your followers. It can also help you drive traffic and leads to your website.

Now that you know who your target audience is, it will be easier for you to reach your key audience. Tapping into online communities and sharing health information can be a game-changer in your healthcare marketing plan. Keep in mind, though, that each platform has its own voice and audience. When you create social media content, make sure that the message is tailored to different audiences and channels.

You can also use paid advertising to increase brand awareness, improve visibility, and widen your reach. Don’t worry. You don’t need to spend a huge sum of money in order to get results. In fact, you can run a Facebook ad for a minimum budget of $5 a day. So go ahead and try it out, and adjust your budget later on.

Make wellness a lot more fun

Health and wellness is a serious topic, but that doesn’t mean that your campaign should be boring and uninspiring. Let’s take cues from UnitedHealthCare’s successful healthcare marketing campaign – We Dare You.

UnitedHealthcare created an interactive campaign that dares people to make one small change to live healthier lives and document it on social media. Each month, there are new challenges and quizzes aimed at inspiring people to live a healthier lifestyle. There are prizes involved too.

The multi-awarded “We Dare You” campaign not only led to healthier habits, but it also fostered an interactive online community of brand loyalists.

Establish an email marketing plan

Email marketing is an effective means of transmitting messages to your current and prospective audience. In fact, studies suggest that email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers as compared to Facebook and Twitter. When done right, it can help you grow your practice and reach a larger amount of patients.

With email marketing, the audience is openly receptive, and relative cost is low, and the rate of return can be exceptionally high. You can promote your services in a cost-effective way while building a relationship with your patients.

If you’re new to email marketing, you might want to start with growing your email list. To do that, you need to focus on reaching as many people as possible. Don’t worry. Getting your first 100 email subscribers isn’t as complicated as it seems. With an irresistible lead magnet, a killer landing page, and the power of social media,  you’ll be able to grow your email list in no time.

Google yourself

Studies suggest that physicians and other medical practitioners receive up to 45% of new patients through referral. Though most patients would consider the referral of other doctors, family, and friends, the majority of them will run a Google search of your name and check out your reputation before booking an appointment.

The survey revealed that 60% of patients wouldn’t book an appointment with a medical practitioner that has bad reviews. This is why you should Google yourself now. It might seem silly, but it’s actually important. 

By running a quick Google search of yourself, you’ll have a good idea of how your practice looks from a consumer’s perspective and know where to start when creating your digital strategy. You also want to make sure that all the information about you is correct and updated. 

If you unearth some negative results when you Google yourself, try to have the post taken down. But if that doesn’t work, then the best thing you can do is suppress them with positive content.

Be a source of helpful information

In today’s digital world, most people’s inclination would be to open up a browser in Google and research about their own or their loved one’s condition. With so many people turning to the internet for answers, it is important that healthcare marketing is there to be a helpful and supportive guide.

Regularly post high-quality content that answers people’s questions. This will help them learn more about medical conditions they may be searching for or procedures they may have to undergo. It is also a good idea to share important and relevant medical information to help people improve their health. This will help build your credibility and position yourself as an authority in your field. People may not run off and make an appointment, but you will be in their minds the next time they get sick.   

6 Tips for a Successful Healthcare Marketing Campaign

Healthcare Marketing Tips for Your Family Medicine Practice.Healthcare Marketing Tips for Your Nutrition Practice

Healthcare marketing tips for your mental health practice

6 Ways to Use Youtube as a Marketing Tool for Your Business

Most people think of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram when we talk about social media marketing. But Youtube is the second biggest search engine globally, and it’s also considered a social media platform.

With over 2 billion monthly average users, Youtube isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. If you’re looking for ways to get your products or services in front of your target audience, we highly recommend that you include Youtube into your marketing mix.

Here are six ways you can use Youtube as a marketing tool for your business or healthcare practice.

Grow your audience

With over 2.3 billion users worldwide, Youtube is the biggest video-sharing platform in the world. The numbers are growing year after year. Simply speaking, creating a presence on this platform means having an endless flow of potential customers.

Unlike other social media platforms, people use Youtube as a search engine. They type something into the search bar, and then your videos come up in the search results. That means you get qualified traffic, not just some random people who stumbled upon your content. They are interested in what you have to offer.

By publishing videos on Youtube, you’re not just exposing your brand to a huge audience; you’re actually getting potential leads, clients, and customers.

Connect with your target audience 

Youtube provides a powerful yet informal way of connecting with your audience. Remember that Youtube is a competitive platform, with 500 hours of video uploaded every minute.

If you want to capture your target audience’s attention, then you need to create videos with your audience in mind. Remember, it’s not all about you; it’s about your followers.

We also recommend creating a content calendar to plan and organize your upcoming content. Plus, you’ll spare yourself the stress of coming up with a topic on the spot.

Use the platform to show your expertise 

Besides watching countless hours of entertaining videos, one of the main reasons why Youtube is so popular is because it provides users with quick answers and solutions.

A lot of people are searching for health-related topics online nowadays. As a healthcare professional, you can quickly provide your audience with informative and educational videos related to your practice. There is no better way to share your knowledge than through video.

What may seem like common knowledge to you can be extremely valuable to your audience. Go ahead and share tips, give advice, or create how-to videos for your audience.

Providing your audience with educational and informative content will not only maximize your visibility but you’ll also be seen as a great resource and an industry expert.

Tell your brand story 

As a business owner, you’re probably looking for ways to get the word out about your products or services. But here’s the thing… People are tired of ads. So how do you capture your target audience’s attention without annoying them? One way you can do that is by telling your brand story.

In today’s competitive marketplace, you can no longer afford to be a faceless entity. People want to talk to real humans. Telling your brand story will help you stand out from the competition and help humanize your brand. The result is a brand that is as profitable as it is captivating.

Use video content to boost SEO ranking 

If you do a quick Google search, you’ll notice that videos appear more often on the search engine results. Why? Because Google loves video content. This is why it’s a necessary tool for your business.

When creating video content on Youtube, it is best to add a link to your website. While having lots of views is great, remember that you’re using the platform to encourage viewers to take action. You want to drive them to your website, where they can get more details about your offer.

Another idea is to incorporate video into your blog post or landing page. This will not only help you rank on Google, but it will also attract inbound links.

Be consistent with content production 

If you’re planning to use Youtube as a marketing tool, you need to commit to it. You can’t just post two videos this week and then be gone for a few months. Youtube is fast-paced by nature, and content becomes obsolete quickly.

If you go weeks or months between posts, people are likely to forget about you. Posting consistently and frequently will help you build loyal followers and strengthen your brand.

Decide how frequently you’ll post content. You don’t need to publish videos every day. But if you’re starting, we highly recommend that you publish videos two to three times a week to help your channel perform well in the algorithm.

Commit to posting video content multiple times a week and stick to your posting schedule. Also, let your followers know when you’ll be posting, so they can tune in the next time you have a new video up.

Final thoughts 

While every social media platform provides some benefits, there is one platform a lot of business owners seem to forget – Youtube.

Having a solid online presence on Youtube provides immense possibilities for increasing brand awareness, generating leads, driving traffic, and increasing conversion rate. If you still haven’t embraced the power of video, you’re seriously missing out.


6 Ways to Use Youtube as a Marketing Tool for Your Business

6 Ways to Use Youtube as a Marketing Tool for Your Family Medicine Practice6 Ways to Use Youtube as a Marketing Tool for Your Nutrition Practice

6 Ways to Use Youtube as a Marketing Tool for Your Mental Health Practice

How to use LinkedIn for both personal and business

In today’s blog, we are going to cover LinkedIn, and LinkedIn is actually the oldest social media platform. It has been around since 2002 but it wasn’t considered a social media platform back then. As of now, there are over 660 active monthly users and in 200 countries and over 30 million companies on LinkedIn that are actively using it each and every month. This is huge, this is huge. LinkedIn, I feel, is a very overlooked platform. A lot of people still think of LinkedIn as just a recruitment tool, just to find jobs, and that is not the case whatsoever. LinkedIn has come such a far way and they have really implemented some really cool things to help you grow your business, and it is… I see a lot of B2B but I also do see a lot of B2C, business-to-business, and business-to-consumer.

I wanted to cover today the differences between your personal profile and a company page. LinkedIn works similarly to Facebook where you have one username and password and from that username and password, it brings you to your personal profile which then you can get into your different groups and your company pages. Once you log in, this is what you’re going to see. You’ll see your personal profile over here, you’ll see your news feed which is the people you’re connected with, the topics you follow, the company pages that you follow, this is where it’s coming into your personal news feed, okay. Then you have your pages on the left-hand side, you have different groups that you’re a part of here if you’re doing any events, also hashtags. Hashtags are huge on LinkedIn which is great because you can really find those niche hashtags and follow them similar to Instagram.

Personal LinkedIn Profile Tips

On your personal profile, there are a few things that you can do on your personal profile that you cannot do on a company page such as write an article. This is great if you are actively blogging, you can write a… You can take some of the content from your blog or your entire blog and put it into here. You can have a weekly thought, you can have… If you are a physician, you can have maybe a weekly FAQ article that just highlights the questions that your patients had asked you through the week that you’re just typing in here, answering, and maybe each week can have a theme. You can add an image here, and this is a great way to just really add value to your personal profile. Now, with the personal profile, you can also add your photo, a video, and a document. These two things are just for your personal profile.

Again, it’s similar to Facebook in a way that you… It’s easier to get connections on LinkedIn and when you post onto your personal profile and you’re building that personal brand, you’re going to get more engagement than you would on your company page. It’s important to use both of them ’cause they each have great features and they each serve a purpose. If you’re utilizing LinkedIn, make sure you’re utilizing this write an article feature and you’re posting to your personal profile as well as your company page. If maybe you’ve had LinkedIn for a long time, but you haven’t updated your profile, let’s start there. So making sure that your profile is filled out. This is space for advertising or your personal brand. To me, this image speaks of digital marketing. We’re always on the computer and this is something that I really… It just kind of resonated with me. You have a professional headshot or it’s you, it’s not you and your kids or you and your husband, this is more about you and your expertise than it is the personal side of things. You want to make sure that you have all of your information filled out and that…

One great thing about LinkedIn is it will tell you what else you need to add to your profile. It will give you a percentage of your profile as, like here, you can add… It’ll tell you what else you need to add. And they’re always adding new things it may not always be 100% filled out. You want to make sure that you have the about section filled out that this is talking about what it is you do use keywords in here: Healthcare, digital marketing, content marketing. Make sure that you’re utilizing those keywords of what it is you do. You can also have featured videos and this is something that you want to make sure you update and as you can see, I have not updated I’m going to come back in here and make sure that I update my featured videos as well. And maybe add that to your monthly list is as you’re creating different videos and blogs or infographics, you can add different things to this featured section, you want to make sure that this stays up-to-date or even if it is maybe a year old video, but content that’s super valuable and things that are able to provide that value to your audience even if they click on it and it’s a year old.

This is just your profile, this is your activity, this is what I’ve posted, things that I’ve liked, things I’ve commented on, things I’ve shared, this is what your activity is. And then it goes into your experience. You do want to make sure that your profile is 100% filled out before you start posting because people are going to view your profile and they want to know who you are and what you do. Once you have your profile updated and you start utilizing these different features on your personal profile in what’s called My Network, you can start adding connections, and, again, with LinkedIn I love how niche you can get. You can really look for those people that you want to connect with and as you can see, I have a ton of invitations. I’m very picky about who I want to connect with, sometimes, I will let them sit here. I’ll look at their profile, I’ll see if it’s really something that makes sense for me to connect with. If not, then I click ignore.

My connections on LinkedIn, I want to make sure that they are quality over quantity. I don’t care about this number but I want people that I’m connected with that are going to engage on my posts and make sure that we have things in common. Maybe they would be a great referral partner, maybe a potential client, and that’s the important thing about your connections. LinkedIn is going to give you suggestions on who to connect with based on your profile. This is going to say similar roles as me or in the location, I’m in. This is great because, again, it gives you that opportunity to connect with people that you may not have a chance to connect with and one of the great things is once you hit this connect button, you can also, you can click connect but then you can, if you’re searching for someone, let’s say… I’ll just say a family, let’s do a family physician. Okay. And I’m obviously wanting to search in people because I want to connect with these people and right here… Oh, great. Ken, I want to connect.

 Once you click connect, I can add a note, “Hi, Ken. I was looking at your profile. I love what you’re doing.” So before you click that Connect, be sure to click on their profile, learn a little bit about them, see if they’re actually active. Right now, it says that he has commented on things. You can look at if he’s posted any articles, you can see when the last time he posted. And the reason why I say… he hasn’t posted anything for a year. The reason I say that you want to do your research on someone before you connect with them, again, is that quality. You don’t want to connect with people that aren’t active because then they’re not seeing your messages and they’re not going to be responding because they are not actively using LinkedIn. Make sure that before you click that Connect button and you add a note that you take a look at their profile and more importantly, their activity. What have they been posting?

Even if they haven’t posted anything but they have shared a lot of things or commented on things, that’s okay. A week ago, he liked this post that’s great. He may not be actively posting but he is actively using LinkedIn. That’s a great connection. So this is how you build the personal side of your LinkedIn account. Now, let’s go into the company page side of things. If you click here underneath your profile and you go down to, it will say, company and we have a few company pages but we’re going to go to Social Speak Network. And on here, this is your company page. Again, you have this header, utilize it to highlight what you do. Digital marketing management for healthcare professionals, that is what Social Speak does. I’m here and it is… I keep referring back to Facebook because when you have, especially now, if you just set up a Facebook business page, to increase those likes, it’s hard because you have to actively be inviting people or paying for ads, and that’s how LinkedIn is as well. It’s hard to increase this follower unless you are actively doing an ad campaign on LinkedIn to increase those followers or inviting people.

This is a great way to do this: As you’re adding connections, you can click here and invite more connections and you can look at… Again, I don’t want every single person I’m connected with to like my page, I want specific people that I am connected with that are in the healthcare and health and wellness industry to like my page because our content’s going to resonate with them the most. Again, each month as you’re adding that featured content to your personal profile and you’ve been adding new connections each month, invite them to like your company page. This helps increase the followers and it gives you your analytics, how many visitors you’ve had. We’ve had six new visitors in the past 30 days, which is down from last month, that lets me know. We have no new followers, hat lets me know, “Okay. Is my content not right or I’m just not getting people to the page?” Monitoring those analytics is a good idea to do, and you can really dive deeper into what does this means and it will let you know to share trending articles, invite your connections to follow.

Using LinkedIn for Business

LinkedIn does a great job of actively promoting you on what you need to do, or prompting you on what you need to do next. This is your company page, these are the hashtags that we follow, these are the posts that we put up every day. We do post daily on our LinkedIn platform and you need to create that content strategy of what works best for you. And so, you just need to know, is it going to be one time a week, is it going to be three times a week, five days a week, what does that look like for you and stick to that consistent schedule. One thing with LinkedIn, and you can see, you can add a document to your LinkedIn company page but you cannot do the article. You can, however, do a poll which is great to really dive into your audience and see, what are they thinking? How can you interact with them? And maybe doing different polls as a piece of your content strategy to help increase that engagement is a great idea try out that feature for your company page.

The other thing is, on your Facebook business page, you can go to your page and can click the little share button and post it directly to your personal profile. With LinkedIn, you cannot do that. What you would do is follow your own company and then as you post to your company page, it’s going to show up in your news feed and then from there, you can click share. And when you click share, it’s going to bring up exactly similar, again, to Facebook. You can type in, “This is a great blog that we just published.” Make a comment to the post that you put up, add hashtags, and then click post. These are just a few different ways to utilize LinkedIn to increase your network, grow your followers on your company page and start building your business.

Utilize LinkedIn just as you would Facebook. Take the time to engage yourself on here. Take the time to upload a video to your personal profile and to your company page and if you’re utilizing a scheduling tool such as Buffer or HootSuite, you can also schedule posts to your personal and your business account. If you’re utilizing HootSuite, you can upload a video to HootSuite for your company page but you cannot upload a video to HootSuite for your personal page. If you want to do those videos, I suggest just coming directly to LinkedIn and posting. You can also download the LinkedIn app and post directly from there, which is great. It’s very user-friendly, just jump on there. The mobile version’s great. You can upload your videos, your pictures, write an article from the app as well. Just figure out how you want to use LinkedIn, jot down some ideas, jot down who do you want to connect with. If you don’t have a company page, if you go under Work and at the bottom, it will say Create Company Page, that’s where you can create your page there.

Groups are great for LinkedIn and, again, you’re going to be posting in those groups as your own personal profile but groups are a great way to be able to share your blog posts, your videos, answer questions, ask questions and get involved with very niche groups. You can browse groups and make sure that they are a good group for you. And then, if you do have a job, you can also post a job on here utilizing LinkedIn Premium, or they have different options depending on what your needs are. Take time to go through your LinkedIn profile and see how you can have it work for you and implement this into your social media strategy. If you are needing help with LinkedIn and you just don’t know where to start or what that strategy should look like, let us know. Let’s schedule a free consultation and go over your LinkedIn strategy. Thank you.

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